Apply Now for 2021 WISE Prize for Education

Applications are now open for the WISE Prize for Education to raise global awareness of the crucial role of education in all societies and create a platform for innovative and practical solutions that might help alleviate some of the challenges which education faces around the world.

Established in 2011 by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, the WISE Prize for Education is the first distinction of its kind to recognize an individual or a team for an outstanding, world-class contribution to education. The WISE Prize for Education raises the status of education by giving it similar prestige to other areas for which international prizes exist –such as literature, peace, and economics.

The WISE Prize for Education recognizes an individual or a team for their outstanding contribution to education, and for their resolve to develop an idea or grow their initiative further. The WISE Prize for Education celebrates and shares the laureate’s vision in building the future of education by providing the Laureate(s) tailored support over two years to scale their impact.

What type of Nominee is Eligible?

The WISE Prize for Education recognizes an individual or a team for an outstanding contribution to education. The achievements of the nominated individual or team should have had a significant and lasting impact upon education at any level and should demonstrate an inspiring and visionary approach. The nominee(s) should meet the following criteria: 

  • Commitment to Education: The nominee(s) has proven a continuous commitment to addressing education challenge(s) locally or internationally
  • Positive Systemic Innovation: the nominee(s) is a catalyst for systemic change by creating innovative solutions to local or international education challenge(s).
  • Leadership: the vision of the nominee(s) is not only innovative but contextually challenges the status quo. The nominee(s) is the driving forces behind the project/organization not simply the director. The nominee has the energy and aspiration to continue growing the impact of his or her work.
  • Sustainable Impact: the contribution of the nominee(s) generates positive and sustainable impact in the lives of the targeted beneficiaries. Shortlisted nominee(s) must clearly outline how the WISE Prize for Education will optimize, grow and scale their impact.

Who can nominate and be nominated to the WISE Prize for Education?


The 2021 WISE Prize for Education selection process only accepts nominations. Self-nominations will not be considered. 

Potential WISE Prize for Education candidates can be researchers, education practitioners, policy makers, organization leaders and can belong to any education sector such as early childhood education, K-12, higher education, vocational training, differently abled development, informal education, distance-based learning, education technology and lifelong learning. 

Nominees for the WISE Prize for Education can be from any part of the world, if they meet the criteria indicated on the next page. 


  • The nominator must be an individual and not an organization, the nominator could be working with the nominee, part of their community, one of the nominee’s end beneficiaries or have no relationship with the nominee.
  • The nominator will fill out the nomination form and should know the nominee’s work very well.
  • The nominator can fill out the nomination form without informing or asking for information from the nominee. The nominator can also request information from the nominee to fill the form.
  • The nominator should provide the needed contact information, in case the WISE team would like to contact the nominator for further details.

For more information, visit WISE Qatar Foundation.


Important Dates

Post Date - 09 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 01 Feb 2021

Donor Name

Qatar Foundation

Grant Size

N/A to $ N/A



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