Government of Canada: AgriMarketing Program

The AgriMarketing Program aims to increase and diversify exports to international markets and seize domestic market opportunities.

It will accomplish these goals by supporting industry-led promotional activities that highlight Canadian products and producers and boost Canada's reputation for high quality and safe food.

Priority Areas

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership focuses on six priority areas:

  • Science, research, and innovation – to help industry use science and innovation to improve resiliency and increase productivity
  • Markets and trade – to open new markets and help farmers and food processors improve their competitiveness through skills development, improved export capacity, underpinned by a strong and efficient regulatory system
  • Environmental sustainability and climate change – to help the sector reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, protect the environment and adapt to climate change by enhancing sustainable growth while increasing production
  • Value-added agriculture and agri-food processing – to support the continued growth of the value-added agriculture and agri-food processing sector
  • Public trust – to build a firm foundation for public trust through solid regulations, improving assurance systems and traceability
  • Risk Management – to enable proactive and effective risk management, mitigation and adaptation to create a resilient sector

Funding Information

The maximum AAFC contribution for a project will normally not exceed $2.5 million per year up to a maximum of $10 million over five years.

Eligible Activities

Eligible activities include:

  • industry-wide advertising and promotion, including in-store and food service promotions and product demonstrations for buyers (businesses and consumers)
  • incoming, outgoing and exploratory missions
  • market research
  • technical training for buyers about Canadian products and product handling
  • trade seminars designed to inform industry representatives of specific attributes of Canadian agriculture, agri-food, fish and seafood products
  • industry-to-industry trade advocacy (note: activities aimed at lobbying Canadian and foreign governments are ineligible)
  • participation in or attendance at trade shows and multilateral industry meetings and conferences.

Eligible Applicants

A non-profit corporation that is a legal entity separate from its members and directors formed for purposes other than generating a profit to be distributed to its members, directors or officers. While, a non-profit corporation can earn a profit, the profit must be used to further the goals of the corporation rather than to pay dividends to its membership. The following non-profit corporation organization types are eligible under this program:

  • associations in Canada operating on a national industry-wide basis in the agriculture, agri-food, agri-based products sector, including fish and seafood
  • associations in Canada operating on a regional basis in the agriculture, agri-food, agri-based products sector, including fish and seafood, that represent significant Canadian production within that sector and can demonstrate their ability to deliver a project from a national perspective

For more information, visit Government of Canada.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 31 Jan 2021

Donor Name

Government of Canada

Grant Size

1,000,000 to $



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