BMU launches Call for Project Outlines on Sustainable Recovery

The German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) has launched a new funding round of the thematic selection procedure under International Climate Initiative (IKI).

"Creating Green Societies in Challenging Times". Developing and countries in transition have been especially hard hit by the social and economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. The slogan for the new funding round is therefore ‘Creating Green Societies in Challenging Times’, which reflects that the funding is to support  these countries handle the crisis. It is also increasingly clear the contribution made to sustainable economic recovery through climate action, adaptation to climate change and biodiversity conservation.

Funding Priorities

Funding is available for projects that fall under one of the 13 funding priorities and that make significant contributions to achieving the objectives of the funding priority in question. The following funding priorities are available:

  • Developing opportunities: climate-compatible economic policy perspectives as a driver for more ambitious NDCs
  • Developing skills and ideas: establishing an educational landscape on the issue of climate action
  • Support for national development banks as a driver for investment in climate action, in particular in sustainable urban infrastructure
  • Climate-conscious energy transition in the building sector with a focus on heating and cooling
  • Climate action in maritime transport
  • Beyond borders: climate-conscious economic development in Eastern Partnership countries in the context of the EU Green Deal
  • Climate/water nexus: integrated water resource management in West and Central Africa
  • Combating desertification: traditional and sustainable land use concepts in open land ecosystems
  • Bonn Challenge: innovative approaches to regional seed supply
  • Pandemic preparedness: natural protective barriers between humans and animals by expanding, linking and improving protected areas
  • From pilot to application: expanding climate-conscious and biodiversity-friendly land use and production in fishing, agriculture and forestry
  • Shifting the trillions: innovative approaches to leveraging and redirecting private sector capital for climate financing
  • Biodiversity-friendly and climate-conscious financial systems in response to COVID-19

Funding Information

  • The BMU is providing funds amounting to EUR 240 million for this round.
  • Each project may apply for funding between EUR 5 million and EUR 30 million.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants for funding must apply as a consortium, i.e. as an association comprised of at least two organisations. When establishing a consortium, it should be taken into account that the coordination effort increases significantly with the number of consortium members. In justified individual cases, projects with a volume of less than 7 million euros may also be implemented by just one organisation. Consortia must each designate a lead implementing organisation. The lead implementing organisation becomes the BMU’s sole contractual or agreement partner. It is the sole recipient of direct payments from the BMU and is responsible for the budgetary implementation of the project and its reporting system. Subcontracting is permitted if proven to be economically viable. A cooperation agreement must be agreed with all other implementing organisations. As far as possible, this should form part of the project outline during the application process.
  • The following institutions are welcome to apply: non-governmental organisations, commercial enterprises, universities and research institutions from Germany and abroad, implementing organisations in the Federal Republic of Germany, institutions in cooperation countries (including national implementing organisations accredited at international or multilateral organisations) as well as international intergovernmental organisations and institutions, such as development banks or United Nations organisations and programmes. Governments in cooperation countries are not eligible to apply for IKI funding.

For more information, visit BMU.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 10 Mar 2021

Donor Name

German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU)

Grant Size

1,000,000 to $



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