Philip Henman Trust offering Grants to UK- based Charities

The Philip Henman Trust is offering Grants to major UK- based charities, who are concerned with long-term overseas development and who require partnership funding for projects lasting between three and five years.

The Trust was set up in 1986 with equity left by the late Philip Henman. The original aim was to continue funding causes supported by Philip Henman during his lifetime. After ten years, the Trustees felt a need to re-structure the Trust, so a consultant was brought in to advise them on how to distribute grants more effectively.

The Trust now spends all of its available grant expenditure on projects that are of a duration of three-to-five years and which are operated by major UK charities concerned with long-term overseas development. Long-term overseas development includes projects committed to education, skills development, the development of basic infrastructure and technology.

Funding Information

These grants are split into annual payments (between £3,000 and £5,000 P.A.) with a maximum total of £25,000.

Once the grant has been approved the organisation will be guaranteed an annual grant for the duration of the project,as long as receipts and reports are sent back to the Trust in the way that is specified. Once a grant has been awarded for a particular project, the organisation cannot apply for a further grant in respect of that project.


The Trust has limited funds and so, on average, can only commit to two new long- term grants a year. Therefore, it is important for you to ensure that any project fits the criteria before applying. A successful application will be one that proves the following:

  • The project is being run professionally by an established major UK- registered charity (defined as having an expenditure of over £100,000 PA).
  • Where the project is working within close proximity of children or vulnerable adults, the project is subject to a safeguarding policy.
  • The project is concerned with long- term overseas development. They do not fund projects attending to urgent medical need or other types of emergency.
  • The project will start no earlier than 1st December (following the application process) and will run for no more than five years. They do not fund ongoing concerns.
  • The funding from the Philip Henman Trust is important to the project (they require that their grant covers between 20% and 80% of the total project budget).
  • The project will provide a lasting beneficial impact for the people, communities or environment it seeks to help.
  • The project is being partly funded by other sources. Voluntary work and central- office administration costs can be counted as another source of funding.

For more information, visit Philip Henman Trust.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 10 Sep 2021

Donor Name

Philip Henman Trust

Grant Size

10,000 to $ 100,000



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