Call for Proposals from Grassroots Activists working to End Factory Farming in India, Brazil & Mexic

The Pollination Project is seeking proposals from grassroots activists working to end factory farming in Brazil, India & Mexico.

The Pollination Project is working to grant seed funding, support the growth of grassroots activism, and build place-based movements to end factory farming in India, Mexico & Brazil.

The Project focus for 2020 is on farmed animal advocacy in Brazil, India & Mexico, but their network of compassionate animal advocates is international.

This call for applications is part of the organization’s work to support local change makers increating a more compassionate world for all beings.

The Pollination Project supports individuals working around the world and tackling almost any issue that is of importance to the future of their community and the planet. The Pollination Project’s support of farmed animal advocacy is part of a special effort to support change makers working on behalf of non-human animals, particularly farmed animals in regions where factory farming is increasing.

In Brazil, India & Mexico, confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are growing as the median income in these countries rise; the seed grants are designed to respond to this need by contributing to the growth and diversification of farmed animal advocacy movements in these regions.

Funding Information

The Pollination Project will provide $1000 seed grants to early stage projects working on behalf of farmed animals with the goal of supporting the expansion of their direct work, developing their leadership within the farmed animal rights movement, and providing opportunities for interconnection between activists to support the expansion of regional networks and place-based movements which together hold greater potential to end factory farming in Brazil, India & Mexico.

For more information, visit Pollination Projects


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 01 Jan 2050

Donor Name

Pollination Project

Grant Size

N/A to $ 1000



Referene URL

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