UN Women announces Call for Proposals for Building Capacity of Women at National and Grassroot Level

UN Women has launched a call for proposals for Building capacity of women at national and grassroot level to contribute to effective implementation of National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (NAP WPS) in Bangladesh.

The NAP WPS is the key tool through which to transform UN Security Resolution 1325 and other women, peace and security commitments into practical action within and beyond the borders, and it must be implemented and monitored with an inter-ministerial effort through an effective coordination mechanism. The progress of the NAP will be analysed on an annual basis by the administrations concerned, under the direction of a Coordination Group for NAP WPS led by MOFA. In addition to governmental actors, multiple stakeholders play important roles in monitoring and evaluation, sharing their invaluable expertise and vision for a more peaceful and equal society.


  • Activity 1: Capacity building and training of women leaders including community, religious and academic leaders as well as women’s groups and civil society organizations to promote the effective implementation and monitoring of NAP WPS Bangladesh.
  • Activity 2: Support the establishment of a platform for dialogue between women’s groups and networks and government institutions to advance WPS and gender sensitive PVE through effective implementation of NAP WPS Bangladesh.

Funding Information

The budget range for this proposal should be BDT 2,900,000 – BDT 3,646,000.

Timeframe: Starting from 1 January 2021 to 31 March 2021 (3 months)


  • Technical/functional competencies required: Demonstrate technical competencies in the area (or areas) where the applicant is applying:
    • Proven technical competencies in women peace and security, social cohesion, and de-radicalization
    • Demonstrated experiences in implementing programmes on gender equality and women’s empowerment; and in formulating result oriented programme, monitoring programme based on indicators and quality reporting.
    • Proven organizational experiences in building Strategic Partnerships that promote sustainability with women led organisations, CSOs, government agencies and other non-traditional partners.
    • Demonstrated commitment to working with women and girls that are economically, politically, socially, culturally, or otherwise excluded, marginalized, and/or disempowered.
  • Other competencies, which while not required, can be an asset for the performance of services
    • Demonstrated experience in applying Rights-based approaches to advance women’s political empowerment and ensuring the voices and needs of women as rights-holders are heard.
    • Demonstrated experience in supporting the implementation of national action plans or national coordination mechanisms with multi stakeholders.

For more information, visit UN Women.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 14 Dec 2020

Donor Name

UN Women

Grant Size

10,000 to $ 100,000



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