The National Lottery Heritage Fund has launched a call for proposals for the Green Recovery Capacity Building Scheme to increase capacity within the environmental non-governmental organisation (eNGO) sector.
Through the Green Recovery Capacity Building Scheme the Fund wants to:
- provide support to eNGOs to increase capacity through strengthened governance, financial resilience, community engagement, project development and other relevant skills
- put eNGOs - particularly smaller organisations - on a more sustainable footing by supporting the development of higher quality projects
- improve the reach of eNGOs into under-represented communities (ethnic minorities, young people, disabled people, areas of deprivation, etc)
What do they mean by green recovery?
- Green:
- reversing the decline in nature (nature emergency)
- addressing the climate emergency and increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change
- tackling unsustainable patterns of production and consumption (the circular economy)
- Recovery:
- investment that supports job creation and new markets (economic recovery)
- targeting action to those groups, communities and places that are most vulnerable, and/or have been hit hardest to address underlying inequalities and deprivation (social recovery)
Funding Information
They are offering grants from £5,000–£100,000 for environmental organisations in Wales to build skills, develop ideas and improve the services they deliver.
Eligibility Criteria
- The fund is open to non-governmental not-for-profit environmental organisations, or partnerships that are led by an eNGO. Applicants must be based in Wales and developing projects within Wales. The organisation’s principal aims, or charitable objectives, must be concerned with the protection or improvement of the natural environment.
- The Fund will only accept one application per organisation or partnership.
- The Fund will accept applications for revenue funding until 31 July 2021. You can apply for up to 100% of funding.
For more information, visit Heritage Fund.