USAID has launched a call for proposals for the Ecuador New Partnerships and Private Sector Engagement Initiative.
Ecuador New Partnerships and Private Sector Engagement Initiative seeks to engage the private and civil sectors in priority areas, as defined by the Government of Ecuador (GOE) and the United States Government (USG).
Ecuador New Partnerships and Private Sector Engagement Initiative is a public-private sector collaboration leading to sustained, measurable improvements in development outcomes. Within this context, USAID/Ecuador welcomes innovation and creative ideas that can be rigorously tested, shared, and potentially scaled in Ecuador. Partnerships may include non-Ecuadorian entities that have expertise not available in Ecuador to support the implementer.
Through Ecuador New Partnerships and Private Sector Engagement Initiative, USAID/Ecuador is open to considering a wide range of approaches in order to achieve its development objectives. It is understood that all partners will share risks and responsibilities. Awards under Ecuador New Partnerships and Private Sector Engagement Initiative may be structured in a variety of different ways.
Ecuador New Partnerships and Private Sector Engagement Initiative is designed to increase the sustainability and impact in the following areas:
USAID/Ecuador is interested in providing both financial, and/or non-financial support in these areas.
Funding Information
Eligibility Criteria
USAID/Ecuador is targeting both potential Resource Partners and Implementing Partners or a combination of the two for Ecuador New Partnerships and Private Sector Engagement Initiative.
For more information, visit
Post Date - 07 Nov 2020
Deadline Date - 26 May 2021
500,000 to $ 1,000,000
TC App for Grants & Funds
TC OCAT for Capacity Assessment