USAID announces Ecuador New Partnership & Private Sector Engagement Initiative

USAID has launched a call for proposals for the Ecuador New Partnerships and Private Sector Engagement Initiative.

Ecuador New Partnerships and Private Sector Engagement Initiative seeks to engage the private and civil sectors in priority areas, as defined by the Government of Ecuador (GOE) and the United States Government (USG).

Ecuador New Partnerships and Private Sector Engagement Initiative is a public-private sector collaboration leading to sustained, measurable improvements in development outcomes. Within this context, USAID/Ecuador welcomes innovation and creative ideas that can be rigorously tested, shared, and potentially scaled in Ecuador. Partnerships may include non-Ecuadorian entities that have expertise not available in Ecuador to support the implementer.

Through Ecuador New Partnerships and Private Sector Engagement Initiative, USAID/Ecuador is open to considering a wide range of approaches in order to achieve its development objectives. It is understood that all partners will share risks and responsibilities. Awards under Ecuador New Partnerships and Private Sector Engagement Initiative may be structured in a variety of different ways.


Ecuador New Partnerships and Private Sector Engagement Initiative is designed to increase the sustainability and impact in the following areas:

  • Strengthening Domestic and International Partnerships,
  • Consolidating Democratic Processes,
  • Reinforce Democratic Electoral Processes,
  • Expanding Disability Economic Opportunities, and
  • Ecuador COVID-19 Response

USAID/Ecuador is interested in providing both financial, and/or non-financial support in these areas.

Funding Information

  • USAID may allocate up to $4 million over the course of this Fiscal Year to fund a portfolio of programs, with financing for individual program applications estimated in the range of $750,000 - $1,500,000.
  • The proposed period of performance can be up to 36 months.

Eligibility Criteria

USAID/Ecuador is targeting both potential Resource Partners and Implementing Partners or a combination of the two for Ecuador New Partnerships and Private Sector Engagement Initiative. 

  • Resource Partners can be either U.S. or non-U.S. private sector businesses, foundations, financial institutions, entrepreneurs, investors, philanthropists and others who can identify and suggest ways to use their financial or other resources to collaborate with USAID/Ecuador.
  • Implementing Partners are non-governmental or private sector entities (for-and non-profit) that can engage and work with Resource Partners. Implementing Partners may provide the leverage themselves (which cannot include USG funding from other sources) but the preference is that they secure outside funding from a Resource Partner for the projects they are proposing to implement.

For more information, visit


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 26 May 2021

Donor Name


Grant Size

500,000 to $ 1,000,000



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