BMU Call for Projects Ideas: Transboundary Climate Action in Europe

The Federal Environment Ministry launched its fifth call for project ideas under its European Climate Initiative (EUKI). Non-profit organisations in the European Union are invited to submit their project ideas for transboundary climate action.

EUKI projects provide forward-looking ideas for European climate action. They are categorised into the following eight core areas: climate policy, energy, buildings and municipalities, mobility, agriculture, soils and forestry, awareness, climate-aligned finance and sustainable economy.

These transboundary projects should also help simplify the EU climate policy dialogue. The target groups are governments, municipalities, educational institutions and stakeholders from civil society, science and industry, in particular in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe and the Baltic states.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Prospective project implementers must have their official office in an EU member state or be registered there. Prospective implementers from central, eastern and southern Europe in particular are encouraged to submit project proposals. In individual cases, interested parties from EU accession candidate countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey) may also apply for financing as implementing partners. Bilateral and multilateral consortia are equally welcome to participate; as a rule, however, the number of implementing partners (in addition to the implementer) must not exceed four.
  • Prospective funding recipients must be legal entities endowed with legal capacity. Individuals are not eligible for financing. In addition, prospective funding recipients must be non-profit organisations or belong to one of the following categories:
    • Non-governmental organisations
    • National/regional/local authorities
    • Non-profit enterprises
    • Academic and educational institutions
  • Target Countries:
    • EUKI supports climate projects in EU Member states, with a regional focus on Central, Eastern and Southern Europe as well as the Baltic states. On a case by case basis, applicants from EU candidate states may participate or measures may be financed in these states.

For more information, visit Call for Projects Ideas.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 19 Jan 2021

Donor Name

Federal Environment Ministry

Grant Size

N/A to $ N/A



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