The City of Raleigh is seeking applications for its Human Services Agency Funding that are awarded annually to nonprofits that provide direct services to low- income Raleigh residents who identify with one of the targeted groups: elderly, youth, individuals with a disability, individuals who use substances, and are homeless.
Ineligible Expenses
- Administrative/ Operational Expenses- These costs include administrative staff, rent/ mortgage, utilities, insurance, furnishings/ equipment, depreciation, audit, communications (telephone, internet, IT support), that are not directly related to program/ project delivery.
- Individuals- Individuals are not eligible to apply directly for funding.
- Housing Construction- Costs associated with the building and selling of residential dwellings.
- Organizations Receiving Arts Program Support - Organizations receiving multiyear funding from Raleigh’s Arts Commission Grant Program are ineligible for funding.
Eligibility Criteria
- Target group definitions as defined by the City of Raleigh are:
- Youth: Any person 19 years old or younger.
- Elderly: Any person 55 years old or older.
- Homeless: Any person who does not have a permanent residence; to include a battered spouse who is facing loss of his/her residence due to threat of bodily harm and any person who is facing eviction (e.g., having received notice to vacate property).
- Individuals with Any person who has a physical or mental impairment which a Disability: substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such impairment; or is regarded as having such impairment.
- Substance Users: Any person who uses alcohol and/or drugs to the point that it affects their ability to cope with themselves and creates problems for their family, neighbors, and community.
- The following criteria are minimum qualifications for an application to be considered. All funding recommendations will be based on available funds.
- Raleigh Headquarters: The organization’s headquarters must be located within the corporate limits of the City of Raleigh. Agency headquarter address is verified through NC Secretary of State records.
- Not-for-Profit & 501c3 Status: Human services grant funds may be awarded only to not-for-profit organizations with 501c3 status that have federal and state tax-exempt status. To ensure tax-exempt status, the organization’s IRS Form 990 from the most recently completed fiscal year will be reviewed.
- Population Served: Proposed programs and projects must benefit low income persons and households residing in Raleigh.
- Agency Experience: Qualified applicants must have at least one year of recent experience in the delivery of services to the specified target group(s) and demonstrate sensitivity to the special needs of their clientele.
- One Year Program Service Delivery: Only projects or programs that have been established and providing services for at least one year will be considered.
- Request Amounts: Request must not exceed 25% of the agency’s total actual operating expenses for the last completed fiscal year. Additionally, requests must not exceed 50% of the total project budget.
- Fiscal Responsibility: Must have an adequate financial management system in place to maintain effective control and accountability over all funds, property, and other assets covered by this proposal. Must be able to produce sufficient backup documentation for costs of the project and files for review and audit.
- Agency Audits: If the application request is more than $25,000, the organization’s most recent audited financial statements and audit letter must be submitted. Must not have any outstanding audit deficiencies, findings, or disallowed costs from previous projects or activities.
- Raleigh Grant Programs: Organizations may apply for funding in up to two City grant programs per year.
For more information, visit City of Raleigh.