Call for Applications for Capacity Development Programme on Renewable Energy

The Embassy of Sweden is calling for applications to the Capacity Development Programme on Renewable Energy.

The overall purpose of this programme is to contribute to strengthening the conditions for investments in renewable energy to provide modern and sustainable energy systems, including all forms of renewable energy such as solar, wind, hydro, bio (including waste-to-energy) and geothermal energy. In turn this is expected to lead to poverty reduction through increased access to affordable, reliable renewable energy and access to electricity for women and men living in poverty.

Benefits for the Organizations

  • Increased competence and capacity that will helpachieve the organizational goals and activities.
  • Professional support for project development that will strengthen the organization’s impact in the field of renewable energy
  • Opportunities for collaboration through an extensive international professional network.
  • Increased knowledge of and access to different kinds of funding mechanism related to renewable energy and energy efficiency projects and activities.
  • Highly motivated and capable staff.

Benefits for the Participants

  • Increased knowledge and understanding of methods and tools for renewable energy systems, change processes and investment opportunities in the renewable energy field.
  • Increased capacity to create and implement Change Processes in the organization.
  • Access to an extensive international network of professionals.
  • A holistic understanding of opportunities and challenges in the renewable energy sector and practical experience from how to handle them.

Target Group

Invited countries are: Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

This programme is focused on creating institutional capacity by engaging Change Agents and establishing long-term relationships with key organization’s within the field of renewable energy in the target countries. The Change Agents are expected to share knowledge within their respective organizations, engaging managers and colleagues in their Change Projects. Targeted organizations are ministries/departments, agencies/utilities, regulators, regional actors, CSO's and national public and/or private financial actors. The organizations should be willing to commit themselves to participation over several years and to cooperate with other organizations in the programme.

Group Consists of:

  • Mid-level or high-level managers actively working to strengthen the conditions for investments in renewable energy and sustainable energy solutions;
  • Key persons who are decision makers and normative for the profession in their respective countries or are deemed to have the potential to influence or take a decision-making position;
  • Participants who have good language skills in English and relevant academic degree related to the programme content or have acquired relevant knowledge in other ways;



The Capacity Development Programme will be organized and conducted in English. Candidates from countries where English is not an official language should do a language test with an official body in the home country, unless other documentation to support her/his ability can be provided.


Owing to the fact that the Capacity Development Programme consists of international travels and work away from home in a new environment, good health and full working capacity is conditioned. It is therefore recom­mended that candidates undergo a medical examination before filling in the Medical Statement in the Application form.


Nominations are assessed on individual and organizational merits. 30 participants will be selected to each batch of the training programme taking into account that the participants bring diversity to the group through their various backgrounds and professional qualifications. A description of the Challenge area which will be the base for the development of the Change Project, together with the commitment of the home organization to support active involvement of the participant in the implemen­tation of the project will be of crucial importance in the selection of participants.

Once selected, the participants are required to attend all scheduled parts of the programme. A Cooperation Agreement is to be signed by the supervisor in the nom­inating organization before the start of the programme in order to confirm that the participant will be allowed working time for the Change Project and active partici­pation throughout the programme. Due to the character of the programme, family members are not allowed to accompany participants to the scheduled phases.

For more information, visit Embassy of Sweden.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 14 Dec 2020

Donor Name

Embassy of Sweden

Grant Size

N/A to $ N/A



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