United States: Submit Proposals for 2021 NH Farm Future Fund

The NH Association of Conservation Districts, in partnership with the Cheshire County Conservation District, requests proposals for 2021 NH Farm Future Fund from land trusts who seek funding to work with NH farms to conserve their land and improve the viability of their farm business.

This is an integrated approach to funding farm viability, farmland conservation, and farmland access.

The mission of the NH Farm Future Fund is to provide funding for farm viability planning in concert with the conservation of important agricultural soils. This program will leverage the singular opportunity of putting a conservation easement on farmland to also invest in the future viability of the farm business. The goal of this fund is to ensure that farmland is conserved, productive, and available for future generations.

Priority will be given to projects that:

  • conserve important farmland soils (local, state, and prime) with permanent land protection through the acquisition of a fee interest or a permanent conservation easement,
  • have a signed purchase and sales agreement on an agricultural easement or fee owned land,
  • have a strong commitment from the partnering farm to engage and seek meaningful results from the technical assistance that will be provided,
  • have conducted a minimum of one joint development Discovery Meeting with the land trust, farm partner, NHCLF, and LFG to identify clear goals for the technical assistance requested, and/or
  • have a high imminence of threat (e.g. the farm is under financial duress, the land is highly developable, the owner has contemplated selling to a developer or been approached by developer(s), etc.).

Funding is available for NH land trusts to support activities in two broad categories:

  • Financial assistance to offset costs associated with farmland conservation projects
  • Technical assistance to support farm business viability and succession planning

Funding Information

  • $100,000 is available for the 2021 funding.
  • Awards no greater than $20,000 will be considered.

Eligibility Criteria

Nonprofit tax exempt 501(c)(3) organizations that have land conservation as their primary function and are actively working to conserve farmland in the state of New Hampshire.

For more information, visit Cheshire County Conservation District.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 15 Feb 2021

Donor Name

Cheshire County Conservation District

Grant Size

10,000 to $ 100,000



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