Applications are now open from the NAB Foundation Community Grants Program.
More Australian communities are being impacted by natural disasters as our climate changes. NAB Foundation Community Grants can help you safeguard your community with funding for projects that prepare for natural disasters, support long-term recovery and build resilience against future disasters. You can get up to $10,000 to fund local projects aiming to do one or more of the following:
- help people and places prepare for natural disasters
- assist in short and long-term recovery efforts
- build community resilience against future disasters
- strengthen the environment to be more resilient to natural disasters
- help communities reduce their climate risk.
Kinds of Initiatives
Charities, social enterprises or organisations with a charitable purpose can apply for a grant to support a project, program or initiative. Examples of the kinds of initiatives the foundation will fund include:
- education
- training
- emergency systems
- preparedness plans
- mental health support
- infrastructure
- equipment
- business resilience
- household resilience
- urban greening
- reducing climate risk.
Funding Information
There are two funding types.
- Community Grants of up to $10,000, from a total pool of $1 million.
- Prizes, from a total prize pool of $200,000. For recipients of Community Grants where the project intends to have long-term social or environmental impact. This funding aims to support grantees replicate the project in other areas, scale it or measuring the impact. Applications can’t be submitted for prizes only.
Eligibility Criteria
- NAB Foundation Community Grants are open to charities that are registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for Profits Commission (ACNC). They are also open to those that hold an Australian Business Number and have charitable purpose, such as a social enterprise (not-for-profit and for-profit) or start- ups with social and/or environmental impact at the core of their business. Your organization does not need to have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status.
- If your organization is not a registered charity or social enterprise with the ACNC, it must have documentation that demonstrates its charitable purpose. You’ll be asked to upload this in the application form.
- They can only provide grants to support an organization’s project, program or initiative that has a charitable purpose and is clearly aligned to the stated aims of the NAB Foundation Community Grants program.
- NAB Foundation recognizes that their community investments can contribute to broader global movements, both in their grant making and partnerships. They therefore will look favorably on applications that align the outcomes of their project, program or initiative with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. There is an optional question in the application about alignment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
- The NAB Foundation intends to prioritize funding for smaller organizations with an income of $3 million or less per annum, and organizations who receive less than 40% of their annual funding from government.
For more information, visit NAB Foundation.