The City of Napa is currently accepting applications Community Development Block Grant Program CARES Funding (CDBG-CV).
If your non-profit organization or governmental entity anticipates, or is currently experiencing, an increase in services directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic or has a new proposal for directly addressing community need related to the pandemic, please submit an application to the City for CDBG-CV funding.
The federal CDBG Program has as its primary objectives the development of viable communities through the provision of decent housing, a suitable living environment and expansion of economic opportunities primarily for persons of low- and moderate-income. The federal government defines moderate income as households earning no more than 80% of the median income for the area, adjusted for family size. CDBG has three major types of funding categories:
- Public Service: While normally Public Service activities are capped at 15% of the annual CDBG allocation plus prior year program income. However, under the current pandemic situation, HUD is waiving the maximum allocation under the Public Service category which allows the City to award funding to public services in excess of this cap. Examples of public services include, but are not limited to, services such as counseling, homeless services, services for battered spouses, literacy programs, childcare, medical/dental services and fair housing.
- Community Development: Examples of eligible community development projects include residential rehabilitation programs, lead remediation, acquisition, infrastructure improvements, and community facility improvements that will further the City’s effort to create viable communities. Community Development projects must take place within the City limits and serve a targeted group of persons, of which at least 51 percent must be lowand moderate-income or serve the geographic area where low- and moderate-income persons live.
Eligible Activities
The proposed program or project should prevent and respond to infectious diseases such as the coronavirus. The CDBG-CV funding requested shall not supplant any existing funding source and shall not be a duplication of benefit. HUD provides examples of CDBG-CV activities including:
- Construct or rehabilitate a facility for testing, diagnosis, or treatment
- Acquire or rehabilitate a facility that may be used to centralize patients undergoing treatment
- Acquire or rehabilitate a motel or hotel building to expand capacity of hospitals to accommodate isolation of patients during recovery
- Job training to expand the pool of health care workers and technicians that are available to treat disease within the community
- Provide testing, diagnosis or other services at a fixed or mobile location
- Increase the capacity and availability of targeted health services for infectious disease response within existing health facilities
- Provide equipment, supplies, and materials necessary to carry-out a public service
- Deliver meals to quarantined individuals or individuals that need to maintain social distancing due to medical vulnerabilities
Eligibility Criteria
The organization must be incorporated as a legal, non-profit or government organization and be tax exempt. Each agency must have the following:
- By-laws that clearly define the agency’s purpose(s), organization and duties of its officers
- An elected or appointed governing board, which is responsible for the governance of the agency
- Adequate administration of the program(s) to ensure delivery of services
- Assurance that it will conduct its business in compliance with non-discrimination requirements of local, State and federal governments
- Copy of annual performance reports and most recent financial audit reports
- DUNS number and an active registration in SAM
For more information, visit City of Napa.