The UNOPS Peace and Security Cluster invites interested and eligible applicants to apply for a Call for Proposals (“CFP”) for the grant project: Strengthening national humanitarian mine action capacity through the implementation of Explosive Ordnance Victim Assistance Activities (VA), Emergency Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) and First Aid Training in the northern regions of Mali.
The ongoing conflict in Mali has increased and diversified the devastating impact that explosive devices as well as small arms and light weapons (SALW) have on the lives of civilians and the stability of the country at large. The national capacity to respond to the explosive threat is limited. In its Country Programme Strategy, UNMAS Mali has renewed its commitment to building sustainable national capacity, at the institutional level, through support to the establishment of a national mine action authority, as well as at the technical and operational levels, through support to NNGOs implementing humanitarian mine action activities.
With this call for proposals, UNMAS Mali is seeking partners who share its commitment for building a sustainable national capacity. Specifically, this CFP seeks to fund partnerships between highly experienced international and motivated national humanitarian NGOs, who will work together with the shared aim of developing and deploying nationally owned and managed humanitarian mine action teams, to undertake victim assistance (VA) and emergency risk education (EORE) activities.
Impact: The population in Mali is safer and more secure as a result of the reduced threat posed by explosive ordnance.
Outcome: National authorities have the capacity to lead and manage the mine action response, which is implemented through civil society.
Outcome Indicator: Increase the number of national NGOs with mine action capacity who are independently deployed.
Funding Information
Target Beneficiaries
Project Locations
The projects shall be implemented in the northern regions of Mali. While the choice of region is left to the applicant’s discretion, the following areas are strongly recommended for prioritization:
Eligibility Criteria
For more information, visit UNOPS.
Post Date - 07 Nov 2020
Deadline Date - 05 Jan 2021
United Nations Office for Project Services
500,000 to $ 1,000,000
TC App for Grants & Funds
TC OCAT for Capacity Assessment