European Union announces Call for Applications for Integral Health of Indigenous Peoples (Bolivia)

European Union (EU) has announced a call for applications for the Integral Health of Indigenous Peoples.

Objectives and Priority Issues

The overall objective of this Call for Proposals is to promote the defense and protection of the rights of the most vulnerable indigenous populations and the strengthening of social cohesion in the context of the covid and post-covid crisis.

The specific objectives of this Call for Proposals are:

  • Contribute to the development of prevention and protection measures for the right to comprehensive health for indigenous communities, with emphasis on the most marginalized, minority and / or rural groups, in the current COVID context and post-COVID crisis,
  • Permit the development of collective and / or individual income-generating activities in the field of health that respect the values of indigenous communities
  • Guarantee a complementarity between the ordinary and traditional health systems, as well as a better integration of the notion of integral health of indigenous peoples in public health policies

The priorities of this call for proposals are:

Based on an approach to fighting for the right to comprehensive health that takes into account the covid 19 pandemic, it seeks on the one hand:

  • The strengthening of the internal capacities of the communities, and the development of tools and processes adapted to promote efficient prevention and awareness actions in the face of health emergencies that complement the ordinary health system,
  • As a complement to the ordinary health system, the accompaniment, monitoring and follow-up of the people of the communities who cannot benefit from a comprehensive health, in particular of the most vulnerable people of the communities.

This call is raised from a comprehensive health approach, based on the indigenous perspective linked to the cosmogonic vision of the community, seeking a balance between the individual (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) and the collective (social and environmental balance).

Funding Information

The total indicative imports assigned to this call amounts to 626,724 EUR. The Contracting Body resigns to the right not to award all available funds.

Amount of subsidies

The subsidies requested within this call for proposals will be comprised between the following minimum and maximum amounts: 

  • Minimum amount: 500,000 EUR
  • Amount maximum: 663,724 EUR

Eligibility Criteria

Lead applicant(s)

To be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must:

  • be a legal person and be a society organization or a network of civil society organizations or a community organization
    • In the case of existing networks but lacking legal status, the proposal must be submitted by one of the members of the network, which must necessarily have legal status and legal representation to act on behalf of the other members. In addition, the proposal should include the list of network members.
    • In the case of networks in the process of creation, the proposal could be submitted by one of the members of the network, who must necessarily have legal status and the capacity to represent future members of the network;
  • have no profit motive and;
  • be established in Bolivia and;
  • be directly responsible, with its co-applicant (s) and affiliated entity (ies), for the preparation and management of the action and not limit itself simply to acting as an intermediary.


  • The co-applicants will participate in the design and execution of the action, and the costs they incur will be eligible in the same way as those incurred by the main applicant.
  • Co-applicants must meet the eligibility criteria applicable to the lead applicant himself.
  • Proposals that include co-applicants will be evaluated positively, justifying their added value. However, to be eligible, an action must include at least one local organization, such as the principal applicant or co-applicant.
  • Priority will be given to proposals that aim to work in collaboration with one or more co-applicants and that also intend to provide financial support to third parties. When the main applicant is a regional platform or network of local organizations, the applicant may act without co-applicant(s).

Affiliated entity(ies)

  • The main applicant and his co-applicants may act with affiliated entities.
  • Only the following entities may be considered entities affiliated with the main applicant or co-applicants:
    • Only entities that have a structural link with the applicants (ie the main applicant or a co-applicant), especially if the link is legal or capital.
    • This structural link mainly covers two aspects:
      • Control: follow the definition contained in Directive 2013 / 34CUE on the annual financial statements, the consolidated financial statements and other afmes reports of certain types of companies:
        • Thus, the entities affiliated with an applicant can be:
          • Entities controlled directly or indirectly by the applicant (subsidiary or first-level companies). They can also be entities controlled by an entity controlled in turn by the applicant (second-level subsidiaries) and the same applies to subsequent levels of control.
          • Entities that directly or indirectly control the applicant (parent companies). Likewise, they could be entities that control an entity that controls the applicant.
          • Entities under the same direct or indirect control as the applicant (associated companies).
      • Membership: the applicant is legally defined as, for example, a network, federation or association in which the proposed affiliated entities also participate, or the applicant participates in the same entity (for example, a network, federation or association) as the entities proposed affiliates.

For more information, visit EuropeAid and download the guidelines.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 25 Jan 2021

Donor Name

European Union

Grant Size

500,000 to $ 1,000,000



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