USAID’s Uganda Biodiversity Fund Activity

Uganda Biodiversity Fund (UBF) is calling for proposals from organisations to implement projects aimed at Restoring Integrity and Functionality of Key Biodiversity Areas of Uganda.

Uganda Biodiversity Fund (UBF) provides financing and technical assistance to different entities in pursuance of its objectives and does not engage in implementation of biodiversity conservation activities, instead, it provides support to those who do.

UBF received funding from United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to implement a five-year project (USAID’s Uganda Biodiversity Fund Activity). Part of the funds will go towards implementing a Grants Program aimed at restoration and maintaining integrity and functionality of fragile and degraded ecosystems in Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA).

Grant Program Focus

The Biodiversity Funding Program’s general focus is on addressing identified priorities in biodiversity conservation and natural resources management under two thematic areas:

  • Thematic Area 1: Restoration of key fragile and / or degraded ecosystems This should include, but is not limited to:
    • Strategies that promote sustainable management of forest or wetland resources, increase cover and mitigate degradation.
    • Improvements in the biophysical resilience of targeted landscapes that directly support community and household resilience.
    • Identifying and putting in place measures for protection of endangered, threatened and vulnerable species
    • Innovations for addressing negative impacts on biodiversity
  • Thematic Area 2: Increase biodiversity conservation and its sustainable use through introduction of appropriate incentives This will focus on, but is not limited to:
    • Community livelihood activities that increase economic earnings from sustainable management or conservation of biological diversity.
    • Increasing resilience of households living adjacent to KBAs
    • Climate change adaptation activities that increase the resilience of natural or human systems (e.g. people, places, ecosystems, or livelihoods) to actual or expected impacts of climate change.
    • Promotion of efficient utilization of energy and development of clean energy technologies that reduce GHG while contributing to biodiversity conservation

Funding Information

Any requests under this CFP must not exceed the UGX equivalent of US$ 100,000 (United States Dollars One Hundred Thousand). UBF reserves the right not to award any or all available funds.

Eligible Activities

Broadly, UBF may fund any activities which contribute to its mission and objectives related to biodiversity conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources in Uganda, broadly conceived. Ineligible activities include the following:

  • Activities with potentially significant adverse environmental and / or social risks and impacts that, individually or cumulatively, are hard to mitigate or reverse or unlikely to be mitigated or reversed
  • Activities with potentially significant adverse impacts on vulnerable groups, particularly with respect to displacement, loss of livelihoods or cultural resources, which are unlikely to be compensated to the satisfaction of those affected
  • Activities which do not provide equitable opportunities to potentially impacted stakeholders, in particular vulnerable groups, to participate in consultation and decision-making during the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the activities
  • Activities with potentially significantly adverse impact on sites of significant archaeological, cultural, or religious importance.
  • Purchase of land

Eligibility Criteria

The following types of organisations are eligible to apply: Civil Society Organizations including Community-Based Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations with either a non-profit mission or those organized as social enterprises in which any profits made are invested in improving community livelihoods. In awarding grants, UBF will in general prioritise Ugandan based, owned, and managed institutions.

For an entity to be legible to receive funds, they must:

  • be legally registered in Uganda
  • have an established presence in the targeted project areas
  • be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the project and not acting as an intermediary
  • have demonstrated capacity to implement the proposed project, including technical expertise
  • have administrative capability and experience to implement the type of intervention proposed, based on organisational mandate

For more information, visit UBF.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 31 Dec 2020

Donor Name

Uganda Biodiversity Fund

Grant Size

10,000 to $ 100,000



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