In the framework of the program "Women in Loud Voice: Promoting Political Participation" MAV, the Fondo de Mujeres del Sur (FMS) invites you to participate in this open call to submit proposals to groups and organizations of base composed and led by indigenous women, peasants and marginalized urban sectors of Paraguay.
This call seeks to provide financial support and technical-political support to grassroots organizations that seek to enhance their collective political leadership capacities, increase their participation in decision-making, and strengthen dialogue with the authorities, to thus influence the development of public and legislative policies that guarantee the expansion and full exercise of your rights in Paraguay.
Funding Information
Geographic Coverage
Proposals from grassroots organizations of women located and working in Paraguay will be financed.
Eligibility Criteria
Women's grassroots organizations that have a participation agenda are invited to apply. Policy, and make important contributions to advance the rights and empowerment of women at the local level. This includes emerging organizations, community groups, and networks. I know prioritize organizations that have difficulties accessing financial resources for the strengthening your actions.
Only one application per organization will be accepted. Those proposals that demonstrate a strong commitment to work, incorporate the active participation and agendas of women in a situation of political, economic, ethnic, racial, social, cultural and territorial exclusion. This can include but are not limited to organizations: campesinas; natives; black / afro-descendant; rural; women from marginalized urban areas; migrants; workers in precarious sectors (domestic, sewing, garbage collection, others); women with disabilities; women living with HIV / AIDS and / other Sexually Transmitted Diseases; young women; LBTQ + population, among others.
For more information, visit FMS.
Post Date - 07 Nov 2020
Deadline Date - 06 Dec 2020
Fondo de Mujeres del Sur
1000 to $ 10,000
TC App for Grants & Funds
TC OCAT for Capacity Assessment