Grant Competition for Providing Formal Vet Short-Term Trainings (STT) in the field of Agriculture/Fo

UNDP Project: “Modernization of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) System Related to Agriculture in Georgia - Phase 2” is announcing call for proposal for the NGOs and colleges that are active in providing the short-term vocational training courses in order is to support vocational educational, training/retraining institutions and other short-term training provider organizations (NGO’s) operating in the field of agriculture, also farmers and people involved in farming activity, for their capacity building and further development.

The United Nations Development Program Georgia (UNDP) with the financial support of the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency (SDC) is implementing the project "Modernization of Vocational Education and Training (VET) system related to agriculture in Georgia (Phase II), which aims at creating and developing a modern system of vocational education and extension in agriculture in Georgia.

To this end, UNDP project intends to:

  • Strengthen public-private partnerships in the delivery of vocational education;
  • Support institutional development of vocational educational institutions;
  • Enhance the capacity of VET institutions in preparation and development of short-term trainings and project proposals;
  • Transfer of knowledge through people involved in agriculture activity.

Grant Project Application should strive to suggest short-term training courses.


Duration of the grant project submitted within the grant project application shall not exceed 6 months, counted from the date of the contract signature to the date when all relevant activities have been successfully completed.

Eligibility Criteria

  • All type of Vocational educational, training/retraining institutions including other short-term training providers and organizations with agriculture development background (including agriculture/food processing fields). All above-mentioned institutions must demonstrate proven experience and capabilities in carrying out the Formal Vocational Education and Training/retraining in the field of agriculture/food processing.
  • Vocational Education, Training/Retraining institutions should have been formally Granted the Right to provide short-term training/retraining program by the National Centre for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE) in order to be eligible for this grant. Also, each suggested short-term training/retraining program must be formal and officially recognized by the (NCEQE).
  • Organizations should be registered in accordance with the legal requirements of the Government of Georgia, must be able to provide organization’s statute and the debt certificate.

For more information, visit UNDP.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 18 Dec 2020

Donor Name

United Nations Development Programme

Grant Size

N/A to $ N/A



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