The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites you to participate in a Call for Proposal for CSO/NGO to support sub-project of PETRA, Support to Community Infrastructures Reconstruction for Livelihood Recovery in Dolo Selatan and Gumbasa Sub-District, Sigi District, Central Sulawesi.
To achieve targeted program output in reconstructing community infrastructure to support livelihood recovery in Central Sulawesi, there are activities need to be implemented as follows:
- Stakeholder engagement and community mobilization
- key stakeholders - at village and district levels - are consulted for the activity implementation plans;
- activity kick off;
- coordination mechanism with and within communities are established and agreed, including setting up feedback mechanism at community level
- Preliminary design and planning for community-based facilities reconstruction
- developing community-based model of reconstruction, which require community involvement in the reconstruction process and irrigation management in the future run;
- scoping report of available skilled and unskilled laborers in the surrounding area, and developed mechanism to engage those resources for construction work;
- furnish guidelines for managing the activity implementation and maintenance of reconstructed facilities to be used as capacity building material for village government and community in the reconstruction;
- preparation of hand-over mechanism of targeted infrastructures to local government.
- Reconstruction of targeted community infrastructures to support livelihood recovery After series of consultation with local and national government, Output 2 program has targeted several community infrastructures to support Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Action Plan of Sigi District 2019. For this call, the targeted community infrastructures will be reconstructing, among others, damaged and malfunctioning sections of irrigation channel in (a) Jono Village, Dolo Selatan and (b) Tuva Village, Gumbasa.
Location and Target Beneficiaries
- Jono Village, Dolo Selatan Sub-District, Sigi District: Jono Village is the oldest village in the Dolo Selatan sub-district. Jono village existed in 1915 which was known as the village of Jono Sambo. Jono village is part of Dolo Selatan Sub District in Sigi District and located 37 kilometers from Palu city. Total population of Jono village 702 people with population density of 41 people in every kilometer. Meanwhile total number of family are 203 households (source BPS, Dolo Selatan in figures 2016).
- Tuva Village, Gumbasa Sub-District, Sigi District: The activity/ Sub-project is expected to cover about 542 beneficiary households in targeted village – Tuva. Tuva village is part of Gumbasa Sub District, in Sigi District. Located at the border of Kulawi Sub-District, Tuva is the furthest village, 52 kilometers from Palu. There are 502 households (13 households out of this number are categorized as poors) and 1.870 people (937 men and 870 women) reside in the village, spread in 3 subvillages (Dusun) and 10 neighborhood group (RT). There are 6 people with disabilities (deaf, vision impairment, and physical disability).
Eligibility Criteria
- At least 4 years or more of work experience in the area of collaborative management of community development, livelihood, local development planning and stakeholder coordination in rural areas. The proposal shall include structure of Team Leader and members and their background and areas of expertise.
- At least 4 years experiences working with the Government of Indonesia on related key issues of WASH, environment, disaster management, or economic/livelihood development would be an advantage.
For more information, visit UNDP.