INNOVATION CHALLENGE: Support for Innovative and Civic Initiatives by Young People to Strengthen the

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched a call for proposals for the Innovation Challenge - Support for Innovative and Civic Initiatives by Young People to Strengthen their Role in Post-COVID-19 Succession.

An innovation challenge is a competition of innovative ideas, which aims to meet the challenges of specific development, to which ' traditional' solutions and tools cannot reply.

This Innovation challenge aims to promote the role of young women and men, as citizen actors, engaged, innovative and creative, in a context of crisis; and the intergenerational solidarity within communities, and in particular among the most more vulnerable and / or marginalized, particularly affected by COVID-19, in the governorates targets.

The initiatives proposed must imperatively pursue ONE OF THE following 4 objectives, in particular concordance with the approaches of the sectoral vision of youth of the MJS:

  • Strengthen resilience and support local communities to take over from the crisis caused by COVID-19:
    • These are community and social initiatives, which target in particular most vulnerable and / or marginalized people, particularly affected during the crisis caused by COVID-19; which may in particular include the design and implementation of innovative and sustainable solidarity systems, chainssupply chain in rural areas, etc.
  • Act in favor of a more resilient local economy:
    • These are initiatives with an economic, social and solidarity impact, which can be income-generating activities;
  • Develop innovative and relevant technology in the fight against COVID-19:
    • These are technological initiatives, which are not limited to information and digital technology, but which may also include high-tech robotics, for example;
  • Putting art at the service of resilience and learning:
    • These are artistic initiatives focused on the prevention of risky behavior, in particular particularly with regard to health measures to fight COVID-19, and general public awareness.

Funding Information

  • The financial support offered by UNDP under this call for proposals is 30,000 TND by project.
  • The expected duration of a project should not exceed 6 months.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility of individuals carrying out projects

Individual project leaders must meet the following conditions to be able to claim financial support:

  • Be a young woman or man, between 18 and 35 years old, domiciled in one of the governorates targets;
  • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action and not limit yourself to an intermediary role;
  • Be independent from political parties / movements;

Cannot participate in the challenge, the promoters of projects which, at the time of their application and during its evaluation:

  • As part of a contract with the UNDP or other UN organization, have been declared in serious breach of performance due to non-compliance with their contractual obligations;
  • Find themselves in a situation of conflict of interest;
  • Have made false statements when submitting their initiative to the challenge or have failed to provide required information to UNDP;
  • Who are in good standing or are the subject of bankruptcy, prosecution or settlement proceedings judicial process or who find themselves in a similar situation resulting from proceedings of the same nature existing in national laws and regulations.

Eligibility of youth associations

The project leaders, formed in association, must meet the following conditions to be eligible for financial support:

  • Be a group of young people, between 18 and 35 years old living in one of the target governorates, constituted as an association in accordance with Decree-Law 88-2011 on the organization of associations;
  • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action and not limit yourself to an intermediary role;
  • Be independent from political parties / movements;
  • Comply with the provisions of Law No. 2018-48 relating to the declaration of assets and interests, the fight against illicit enrichment and conflict of interest.

Registration in the national register of companies in accordance with the provisions of the law n ° 2018-52.

Eligibility of young entrepreneurs

Young entrepreneurs with a project must meet the following conditions to be able to claim financial support:

  • Be a young woman or man, between 18 and 35 years old, domiciled in one of the governorates targets;
  • Own a business (including a sole proprietorship), with legal status in accordance with the law and regulations in force, directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action and not limited to an intermediary role;
  • Be independent from political parties / movements (the young entrepreneur and her business);
  • Registration in the national register of enterprises in accordance with the provisions of the law n ° 2018-52 and a copy of the patent.

For more information, visit UNDP.


Important Dates

Post Date - 09 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 13 Dec 2020

Donor Name

United Nations Development Programme

Grant Size

10,000 to $ 100,000



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