UN Women announces Call for Proposals to Strengthen the Capacities of Justice Sector Actors in Ukrai

UN Women has announced a call for proposals to strengthen the capacities of justice sector actors to effectively implement domestic violence legislation and legally empower domestic violence survivors and women at risk in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

UN Women together with UNDP, FAO and UNFPA is implementing a joint programme “EU support to the East of Ukraine: Recovery, Peacebuilding and Governance” funded by the European Union supports the government in the restoration of governance and reconciliation in crisis-affected communities of eastern Ukraine. The joint programme aims to contribute to peace, economic revitalization and reconciliation in Eastern Ukraine through social and economic recovery, with special focus on Government Controlled Areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. UN Women works in 20 target communities in Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

Required services/results

The selected organization will work on the following tasks:

  • Domestic violence survivors and women at risk in target communities from Donetsk and Luhansk regions have raised legal awareness on their rights, procedures to exercise their rights and available protection mechanisms for domestic violence survivors
    • Conduct 20 offline/online one-day trainings (1 per each target community3 with 20 participants in offline and at least 20 participants connected online) for survivors of domestic violence and women at risk on their rights and procedures to exercise their rights, distinction between different forms of domestic violence, their criminalization, administrative and criminal sanctions, and available protection mechanisms such as emergency restraining orders against perpetrators issued by police and longer-term civil court restraining/protection orders
    • Organize at least one per each target community joint police, local authorities and community interventions aimed at preventing domestic and gender-based violence, including by raising the legal awareness of community members on domestic and gender-based violence.
  • Law enforcement in target communities from Donetsk and Luhansk regions have enhanced capacities to apply effectively the domestic violence legislation
    • Organize 4 offline 3-day trainings for law enforcement from target communities (20 participants for each training) from Donetsk and Luhansk regions based on the existing training program approved by National Police using the police “inter-active room” for case simulation in Severodonetsk.
  • Justice sector actors (police, prosecutors, judges, lawyers and legal aid providers) in target communities from Luhansk and Donetsk regions have improved capacities to effectively coordinate and apply domestic violence legislation
    • Organize 14 offline one-day multi-disciplinary workshops for justice sector actors (police, prosecutors, judges, lawyers and legal aid providers) (20 participants per workshop) at the level of each district court covering target communities from Donetsk and Luhansk regions providing space for legal practitioners to discuss the existing evidence on the practical application of the domestic violence framework with a survivor-centered approach, identify gaps and challenges and propose to address them in a comprehensive manner.
  • Guidelines for legal practitioners on the provision of restraining/protection orders against domestic violence perpetrators in line with international and national standards in this field developed
    • Contract a national consultant to develop guidelines for legal practitioners on the provision of restraining/protection orders against domestic violence perpetrators in line with international and national standards in this field.
    • Organize at least 3 consultation meetings with UN Women, National Police, Ministry of Internal Affairs and any other relevant justice sector institutions to agree on the content of the guidelines, assess progress during the development of the guidelines and approve the final product.
    • Organize an offline/online event for justice sector institutions (National Police, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, etc.) (with an offline studio for 10 participants and online connection for at least 30 participants) to present the Guidelines for legal practitioners on the provision of restraining/protection orders against domestic violence perpetrators.

Funding Information

  • The budget range for this proposal should be 200,000 USD – 210,000 USD (Budget for 2021 activities: up to 120,000 USD; Budget for 2022 activities: up to 90,000 USD).


Start date and end date for completion of required services/results: 22 March 2021 – 22 August 2022.


  • Technical/functional competencies required;
    • The organization has a well-developed framework, enabling the delivery of its vision and strategy, and effective realization of business processes;
    • Previous experience in conducting similar work/projects relevant to the scope of the current project;
    • Previous experience of work with survivors of gender-based violence on their capacity development and empowerment;
    • Previous experience in conducting capacity development for justice sector actors on prevention and combating of gender-based violence and domestic violence in particular;
    • Previous experience in developing knowledge products for justice sector actors on prevention and combating of gender-based violence;
    • Previous experience of work at the regional and local level, especially in the conflict-affected Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and coordination of cooperation between various organizations and institutions;
    • Reference letters on at least two relevant projects implemented in the past three years.
  • Other competencies, which while not required, can be an asset for the performance of services
    • Demonstrated previous experience in organizing multi-disciplinary workshops with justice sector actors.

For more information, visit UN Women.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 30 Dec 2020

Donor Name

UN Women

Grant Size

100,000 to $ 500,000



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