USAID/Bangladesh and the Private Sector: Partnering to Fight COVID-19

The U.S Agency for International Development (USAID)/Bangladesh, Office of Acquisition and Assistance, invites applications for Global Development Alliances (GDAs). The GDA APS is a solicitation aimed at fostering extensive collaboration with the private sector to respond to COVID-19.

The purpose of this APS is to announce the competitive process and solicit Concept Paper applications from the private and public sectors for engaging with USAID/Bangladesh under the APS.  While the value of the expertise, capabilities, assets and resources contributed to an alliance by the private sector must equal or exceed the value of resources requested from USAID, this is NOT a matching grants program. The focus of this APS is proactive engagement of the private sector for: problem identification, problem definition, solution scoping and development, and solution implementation

The goal of the USAID Bangladesh and the Private Sector: Partnering to Fight COVID-19 program is to provide a medium through which organizations can work with USAID and the private sector to build Global Development Alliances (GDAs) that will:

  • Respond to the current outbreak of COVID-19 in Bangladesh;
  • Address important business interests and objectives; and
  • Advance USAID’s strategic priorities and objectives.

By partnering with USAID, the private sector is able to leverage USAID’s expertise, assets and working relationships in a manner that advances business success to address COVID-19 and fosters the broader economic growth and poverty reduction that is vital to sustaining such success.

USAID, though this partnership, is able to leverage private sector markets, expertise, interests, and assets in a manner that solves critical development problems and promotes effective market-led development, thus contributing to Bangladesh’s Journey to Self-Reliance despite the presence and growing negative impact of COVID-19.

Interventions awarded through this program may address the immediate concerns and impacts of COVID-19 as well as long term or secondary impacts. Immediate concerns may support activities identified under the COVID-19 Country Preparedness and Response Plan (CPRP) jointly prepared by the Government of Bangladesh and the international community. GDAs originating from the APS may also address secondary economic impacts such as those on food security or the garments sector, as well as promote peace, stability, human rights, and gender equity. The selected participants and USAID/Bangladesh will jointly agree on additional results to be achieved during the performance of the awarded GDA activity.

COVID-19 Public-Private Partnership Trust Fund

One concept that may appeal to private sector partners is to establish a trust fund to address a multitude of specific needs and provide an opportunity for additional contributions for other public and private sector entities. USAID has some experience both in Bangladesh and in other countries establishing trust funds. Some important though not exhaustive elements to address regarding trust funds include:

  • Whether the fund is meant to last or simply to address the immediate needs of the COVID-19 crisis.
  • If meant to last, how will it be sustained (i.e. what minimal level of fund needs to be retained and what level can be invested in COVID-19 response)?
  • What will be the focus of the trust fund once the crisis passes?
  • What will the legal authority of the fund be?
  • How will the fund be governed (i.e. who would make up the board of directors, what are their authorities)?
  • What is the process for receiving additional funding?
  • What is the process for making grants?
  • How will the impact of trust fund activities be measured?
  • How will the fund be audited?

Funding Information

  • Award floor: $900,000
  • Award ceiling is $10,000,000

Performance for Federal Awards

Applications must offer a period of performance in the APS. It is expected that the programs supported by a proposed alliance will have a period of performance from 12 to 60 months.

Areas of Partnership

This APS is designed to describe and provide a process through which organizations can work with USAID and the private sector to build GDAs to reduce the caseload and mitigate the economic hardships posed by COVID-19, both public and private sector entities have resources to contribute. Strategic and proactive engagement of the private sector improves the identification and definition of critical economic and social issues; strengthens the design and implementation of promising solutions to those issues; and increases the sustainable impact of our respective investments in halting the spread of COVID-19 and mitigating the impacts.

Eligibility Criteria

USAID Bangladesh is targeting both potential Resource Partners and Implementing Partners for this APS:

  • Resource Partners are US and non-US (with a focus on Bangladesh) private sector businesses, foundations, financial institutions, entrepreneurs, investors, philanthropists and others who can identify and suggest ways to use their financial or other resources to collaborate with USAID/Bangladesh. Resource Partners can also be public sector (e.g., GOB, public companies, other bilateral or multilateral donors).
  • Implementing Partners are US and non-US (with a focus on Bangladesh) non-governmental, private sector entities (for-profit, non-profit) that can engage and work with Resource Partners. Implementing Partners may provide the 1:1 leveraging themselves, or they must secure private sector funding for the projects they are proposing to implement. Individuals are not eligible to be Implementing Partners, although they may be Resource Partners.
  • USAID Bangladesh encourages applications from organizations that have not previously received financial assistance from USAID.
  • While this APS is open to worldwide competition, USAID Bangladesh is particularly interested in working with the Bangladeshi private sector. This includes non-traditional development partners such as private businesses, business and trade associations, chambers of commerce foundations, and financial institutions, in addition to traditional non-profit NGOs and for-profit development firms. Partnerships from a consortium of organizations which include private sector actors will also be eligible.

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Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 29 Apr 2021

Donor Name


Grant Size

500,000 to $ 1,000,000



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