Call for Proposals on the Contribution of Civil Society to the Implementation of the Community Polic

The “SUPPORT PROJECT FOR THE PREVENTION, PREPARATION AND RESPONSE TO CRISES IN TUNISIA”, implemented by the UNDP, launches a call for proposals intended for civil society organizations (CSOs) to promote this new police approach and to strengthen the involvement of civil society in its implementation.

After the 2011 revolution, Tunisia embarked on a comprehensive process of reforming the security sector, in partnership with the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP). This approach reflects the state's desire to restore confidence between internal security forces and citizens and to establish the rule of law.

In this context, the Ministry of the Interior has implemented a “Tunisian police model of proximity ". This constitutes one of the flagship reforms already initiated in the field and is based on openness, transparency and partnership with civil society.


In order to promote this new police approach and strengthen the involvement of the civil society in its implementation, UNDP is launching a call for proposals aimed at civil society actors to support associative initiatives aimed at:

  • Ensure greater citizen ownership of the community policing model;
  • Make operational the consultation and participation procedures within the Local Security Committees in the diagnosis and prevention of insecurity in the local level;
  • Constitute spaces for dialogue, exchange and debate making it possible to establish territorialized diagnoses of the priorities for the prevention of based violence on gender;
  • Set up citizen initiatives contributing to the implementation of plans security premises in the regions concerned for the prevention of violence based on gender;
  • Promote and publicize the community policing model by improving the police-citizen relationship;
  • Initiate preventive approaches involving citizens in improving the safety and quality of life at the local level

Funding Information

  • The financial support offered by UNDP under this call for proposals is capped at TND 30,000.
  • UNDP support can cover up to 100% of the total project cost (i.e. the applicant is not required to make a financial contribution to the submitted project)
  • The duration of the projects must not exceed a period of three (03) months

Direct Eligible Costs

The eligible direct costs must meet the following criteria:

  • Have actually been incurred during the implementation period, i.e. Between the start date (determined by signing the financing contract) and the end date of the project;
  • Be indicated in the estimated overall budget of the project;
  • Be necessary for the implementation of the project financed by the UNDP;
  • Be identifiable and verifiable: in particular they must be recorded in the accounts of the beneficiary and determined in accordance with country accounts;
  • Be reasonable, justified and meet the requirements of sound financial management, especially in terms of economy and efficiency.
  • The costs related to the payroll (project management) necessary for the management of the project are eligible. However, these should not exceed 15% of the total direct costs;
  • Telecommunications costs are eligible. However, these should not exceed 1% of total direct costs.

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must meet the following conditions in order to be eligible for a grant:

  • Be a civil society organization whose headquarters and activities are based in the governorate in which the project will be carried out;
  • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action and not be limited to a role of intermediary;
  • Be independent from political parties / movements;
  • Compliance with the provisions of Law No. 2018-48 relating to the declaration of assets and interests, the fight against illicit enrichment and conflict of interest
  • Registration in the national register of enterprises in accordance with the provisions of Law n ° 2018-52

Eligibility of Actions

The eligibility of actions is determined by the following conditions

  • The duration of an action cannot be greater than the duration of the project
  • The themes of action must necessarily fall within the framework of the theme of this call for proposals presented above
  • The actions must be carried out within the framework of the planned geographical coverage

For more information, visit UNDP.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 11 Dec 2020

Donor Name

United Nations Development Programme

Grant Size

10,000 to $ 100,000



Referene URL
Focus Areas of Interest

Civil Society (CSO)

Focus Country(ies)

All Countries

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