Call for Proposals for the implementation of the Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response Proje

UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, an international development agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for the implementation of the Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response Project in Nepal, Phase II.

In Nepal, UNFPA works with the government and other partners to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and girls.

Project Goal

All forms of gender-based violence and discrimination against women and girls are reduced in two provinces in Nepal.

Funding Information

  • An indicative budget for each outcome is as follows and should not exceed: USD 2.9 million (Outcome 1), USD 2 million (Outcome 2), USD 590,000 (Outcome 3).
  • Interested organizations are requested to submit their proposal consisting of 3 sets each of the Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal.


  • Women and men, including girls and boys, increasingly prevent, report and address gender-based violence;
  • Local governments, legal authorities, and health facilities provide effective (multi-sectoral) survivor-centered responses to Gender-Based Violence; and
  • Local, provincial, and federal governments adopt and implement policies and budgets for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.

Scope of Work

The procurement process and these terms of reference (ToR) are divided into 3 separate contracts:

  • Contract 1: Procurement of an implementing partner to lead and implement Outcome 1 of the project which is focusing on GBV prevention activities.
  • Contract 2: Procurement of an implementing partner to lead and implement Outcome 2 of the project which is focusing on GBV response activities.
  • Contract 3: Procurement of an implementing partner to lead the design and development of curricula and training modules development; training of trainers; and institutional support, training and capacity building of UNFPA staff and the staff of selected implementing partners for rolling out prevention and response activities in outcomes 1 and 2.

Eligibility Criteria

Institutions are invited to apply individually or in association with one or more downstream partner(s) (through sub-contracting), building on each other’s comparative advantages, skill sets/expertise and operational capacities in country. Applicants may choose to apply for one, two, or all three contracts, as long as they can clearly demonstrate in their application their (and their downstream partner(s), if applicable) capability, expertise, and ability to effectively manage the selected contracts they are applying for. Partners applying in association with a downstream partner(s) will clearly indicate which partner will lead the contract and the division of labour between the respective partners in the delivery of the programme results. The lead partner will have a direct contract with UNFPA as an Implementing Partner (IP) and will assume all responsibility and accountability for the oversight, management, efficiency and effectiveness of their respective downstream partner(s) in implementing and delivering programme results.


  • Applicants must complete all application requirements.
  • National or international institutions must demonstrate solid experience on evidence-based gender-based violence prevention and response programming, gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE), preferably in Nepal.
  • International NGOs must be register with the Social Welfare Council of Nepal, if applying for contract 1 and/or contract 2.
  • Applicants must demonstrate existing activities on GBV prevention and response programming, including references for such activities.
  • International institutions applying for contract 1 and/or contract 2 must ensure that they have local presence in Nepal, either directly or in partnership with a reputable, registered and experienced local entity to ensure close working and engagement with project partners, UNFPA staff and project beneficiaries.


  • Applicant has been operational in the specified project provinces for at least 2 years (as lead organisation or the sub-contractee), or can demonstrate the ability to deploy staff and resources to project locations, if selected.
  • Applicant has available funding for programming for at least 6 months and demonstrates the ability to raise funds after the partnership comes to an end.

For more information, visit UNFPA.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 11 Dec 2020

Donor Name


Grant Size

1,000,000 to $



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