The United States Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) is seeking applications for its 2021 Cultural Orientation (CO) Technical Assistance Program to strengthen linkages between overseas CO programs for refugees approved for admission to the United States and reception and placement (R&P) activities conducted upon their arrival. This program serves to complement the Reception and Placement Program, the purpose of which is to promote the effective resettlement of all persons who are admitted to the United States under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, including assisting refugees to achieve economic self-sufficiency through employment as quickly as possible.
Program Objectives
The Bureau has established the following CO Technical Assistance Program objectives and activities for 2021 (Year One):
- To strengthen linkages between overseas CO programs and R&P activities:
- Develop, maintain, and manage a CO website and newsletter;
- Provide technical support to the CO working group and CO leaders;
- On request, conduct presentations regarding CO at national and/or regional refugee resettlement-related conferences;
- If requested by the Bureau, provide technical assistance to overseas and/or domestic CO programs regarding the evaluation of CO program activities, and the assessment of student learning and understanding, as appropriate;
- Facilitate overseas and domestic CO trainer exchanges; andIf requested by the Bureau, provide coordination and/or facilitation of special forums or workshops.
- To provide information and materials to overseas CO programs and to domestic refugee service providers:
- Compile fact sheets and other documents to be posted on the CO website;
- Identify, locate, and distribute specific materials requested by overseas CO programs;
- Ensure that all CO materials are available online, as possible and practicable, in accessible and flexible electronic format(s);
- When requested, handle bulk distribution of hardcopy Bureau-produced materials to overseas CO providers and domestic R&P affiliates in order to supplement electronic materials;
- Produce new translations of and updated format and content for the Welcome to the United States guidebooks, videos, and DVDs as directed by the Bureau;
- Reproduce hard copies, and maintain and store an adequate inventory of the Welcome to the United States guidebooks, videos, and DVDs as necessary to supplement electronically available materials at the request of the Bureau, overseas CO providers, and domestic R&P affiliates.
- To provide support and technical assistance to overseas and domestic CO programs on request;
- To provide feedback to overseas CO programs as needed with guidance from the Bureau;
- To provide other technical assistance requested by the Bureau, subject to availability of funds and adequate staffing levels to perform assigned tasks;
- To strengthen communication between Resettlement Support Centres (RSCs) and refugees during overseas case processing to ensure refugees have ready access to accurate, useful information about the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program and general orientation topics.
- To translate current materials on the refugee-facing website, as requested by the Bureau.
- Maintain and update the refugee-facing website regularly and create additional material as needed.
- Design, develop, and distribute resources as needed and requested by the Bureau.
Funding Information
- Award Ceiling: $1,500,000
- Award Floor: $1,100,000
Eligibility Criteria
- Non-profits having a 501(c)(3) status with IRS, other than institutions of higher education;
- Non-profits without 501(c)(3) status with IRS, other than institutions of higher education; and
- International Organizations.
For more information, visit FY 2021.