Environmental Stewardship Pillar of Prosperity Fund (United States)

Grant funding is now available through the Environmental Stewardship Pillar of Prosperity at the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio (FAO), grants will help public, nonprofit, and fiscally sponsored organizations facilitate connections to nature.

FAO welcomes proposals for projects that create or enhance:

  • Trails and bike paths, emphasizing connectivity between outdoor spaces;
  • Pocket parks and greenspaces, and
  • The benefits of time in nature to more people in the region through creative partnerships.

Examples of potential projects include: making outdoor facilities more accessible to citizens of varied physical abilities; reclaiming blighted spaces in communities to increase public access to the outdoors; and creative endeavors that encourage time outdoors and stewardship of natural resources, for example funding infrastructure to enable Arts in the Park.

Funding Information

A total of $60,000 is available in funding for the 2020 grant cycle. FAO anticipates making grants of approximately $5,000, though in some cases, grants of $10,000 or more may be awarded.

Eligibility Criteria

Public and nonprofit organizations serving any of the 32 counties of Appalachian Ohio, as well as groups operating in fiscal sponsorship relationships, are eligible to apply. 

Projects will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Project need. Why is the project needed? Why these funds are needed? How does the project enable the community to spend more time in nature?
  • Project impact. What is the significance of the project to the community? How will the project increase time spent in nature? What populations will be most impacted by this project? How many people will benefit directly from the project?
  • Accessibility. Will the project increase access to the outdoors for those who have more limited access? If so, how?
  • Sustainability. What is the plan for sustaining the project after the grant period ends? Are there agreements for ongoing maintenance or improvements related to this project?
  • Community support. How does the project align with local community development plans and priorities? Who within the community supports the project?
  • Additional Partners. What other local funds, resources, or partnerships are committed to support the project?

For more information, visit FAO.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 30 Nov 2020

Donor Name

A B Charitable Trust

Grant Size

1000 to $ 10,000



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