The Cambodia Climate Change Alliance Programme- Phase 3 is now launching an innovation grant facility round 2 which will provide support to government’s ministries, academia, research institution, NGOs and private sector associations to develop innovative and catalytic climate change projects through a competitive process.
The CCCA3 invites concept notes for projects focused on Climate Change Innovation in support of the national climate change priorities, as expressed in the Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan.
CCCA3 is a multi-donor initiative implemented by the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) and funded by the European Union, Sweden, and UNDP with a comprehensive and innovative approach to address climate change in Cambodia.
The new phase of the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance programme (2019-2024) builds on these initial achievements and aims to support the scaling-up of the climate change response at national level and in priority sectors in order to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and increase people’s adaptation capacities, contributing to a greener, low carbon, climate-resilient, equitable, sustainable and knowledge-based society.
Funding Information
- The maximum grant allocation under this grant facility is USD 100,000 (One Hundred Thousand US Dollars), and the minimum allocation is USD 50,000 (Fifty Thousand US Dollars).
- The maximum duration for a grant under this facility is 30 (Thirty) months.
Eligibility Criteria
- Mandatory requirements:
- Eligible activities must be in line with the Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan (CCCSP) 2014-23, and/or the Climate Change Strategic Plan and Action Plan of the concerned sector.
- Innovation must be at the core of the proposal (no “business-as-usual”), with a clear explanation of how it will add value to the climate change response in Cambodia, and its concrete implications for climate change policies and/or programming.
- The proposed activities must demonstrate potential to act as catalysts for the mobilization of other sources of climate finance.
- Both adaptation and mitigation proposals are eligible.
- Proposals need to include an analysis of relevant gender and inclusion issues, and incorporate relevant activities in their strategy.
- Additional requirements:
- Scaling up is an objective: The proposal clearly identifies barriers to scaling-up of the proposed adaptation/mitigation solutions, and incorporates a strategy to address these barriers.
- Co-benefits: proposals that contribute to both mitigation and adaptation, or generate environmental co-benefits (biodiversity, combatting land degradation…);
- Alignment with priority sectors of CCCA-Phase 3: sustainable energy, rural development, education, environment, public works and transport.
- Proposals may come from:
- Government ministries or agencies who are members of the Climate Change Technical Working Group (CCTWG), or their departments/institutes;
- Non-governmental organizations (local and international registered in Cambodia);
- Universities and research centers (based in Cambodia);
- Private sector: business associations or chambers of commerce only
- The applicant is the Cambodia-based organization who will submit the concept note under its name. In case of a project where multiple organizations are involved, the applicant is the lead agency that takes the responsibility for project management and accounting for funds, and will enter into a legal agreement with the GSSD.
- All other organizations involved in the project will be called “partners” and their respective roles will need to be clarified in the project concept note and proposal.
- Both applicant and partners should bring some of their own resources (in kind or in cash) to the project.
For more information, visit Call for Proposals.