First Nations Development Institute inviting Applications for COVID-19 Response: Recovery & Resilien

The First Nations Development Institute is now accepting applications under the California Tribal Fund, COVID-19 Recovery and Resiliency grant opportunity. First Nations expects to award 8 to 10 general operating support grants to California-based tribes or tribally controlled non-profit organizations as they work toward long-term tribal community resiliency and recovery efforts and support organizations and projects that strengthen California-based, Indigenous-controlled and -led organizations whose programs protect California Indigenous food systems, water, languages, traditional ecological knowledge, and land.

This grant is made possible through the generous support of The California Endowment. Created in 1996, the Endowment is a not-for-profit, statewide foundation that works to make California a healthier place for all. The California Endowment’s mission is to expand access to affordable, quality health care for underserved individuals and communities and to promote fundamental improvements in the health status of all Californians.

The California Tribal Fund was created to support California-based, California-Native-led nonprofits and tribal programs in controlling and protecting their food systems, water, languages, traditional ecological knowledge, and land. Currently, the fund is operated as a project of First Nations Development Institute.

Funding Information

  • Total requests for project budgets within this funding opportunity should not exceed $10,000.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Organizations eligible to apply include California-based, Native American-controlled, nonprofit 501(c)(3), tribal organizations, and Native §7871 organizations.
  • Priority will be given to organizations that currently work to support Indigenous control over food, water, languages, traditional ecological knowledge, and land within their respective tribal communities and are focusing on resiliency and recovery-based projects post COVID-19.
  • Organizations are encouraged to focus on projects and program support that promotes long-term resilience and organization and program sustainability.
  • Types of eligible applicants include, but are not limited to:
    • California based Federal and State Recognized Tribal Governments
    • Native-controlled 501(c)(3) nonprofits
    • Native-controlled community organizations with fiscal sponsorship
    • Native §7871 Organizations
    • Native-controlled community organizations with fiscal sponsorship

For more information, visit First Nations.

The grant period for this funding opportunity will commence January 1, 2021 and end December 31, 2021.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 20 Nov 2020

Donor Name

First Nations Development Institute

Grant Size

1000 to $ 10,000



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