COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Relief Fund - United States

In partnership with Sierra Health Foundation and Sacramento County, Hmong Youth and Parents United’s COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Relief Fund for Families is intended to address the impacts of COVID-19 and to quickly provide financial support and community resources to Hmong and other underserved children, youth, seniors, and families in Sacramento County throughout this public health and economic crisis who are facing financial distress/ hardship.

Use of HYPU COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Relief Fund is for the following emergencies: Utility crisis, emergency car repair, shelter crisis/ rental assistance, food crisis, social distance learning accessibility/ internet access and difficulties, food/clothing/ personal care items, medical expenses, expenses incurred complying with government issued orders, loss of income due to requirement from a government health order or sickness with COVID-19 or caring for a household/family member who is sick from COVID-19.

Funding Information

HYPU will be awarding $250 to $1,000 to eligible applicants who have been economically impacted, suffered a loss, faced an emergency crisis, or contracted COVID during the COVID-19 pandemic and are in need of assistance. Grant distribution will be subject to HYPU’s discretion and availability of funds.

Eligibility Criteria

Before accessing and completing a COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Relief Fund online application, applicants must:

  • Be the head of household or at least 18 years of age.
  • Qualify as a Moderate- Income Household (below 80 Median Family Income). Total household income cannot exceed maximums below, per household size in the unit.
  • Be able to submit a source(s) of documentation demonstrating their income eligibility.
  • Complete a 1-hour session of COVID-19 Prevention and Education Training

For more information, visit HYPU.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 26 Dec 2020

Donor Name

Hmong Youth and Parents United (HYPU)

Grant Size

N/A to $ 1000



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