CPI Call for Proposals: Strengthening Local Partners to Deliver Health Services and Develop Social C

Community Partners International (CPI) is seeking proposals from local non-governmental organizations (LNGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) in Myanmar to implement health service delivery and social development projects 2021.

Community Partners International (CPI) is a U.S. nonprofit organization working in partnership with conflict-affected, hard-to-reach and underserved communities in Southeast Asia to expand access to quality health services and generate the resources, local capacity and coordination necessary to meet their own health, learning, and development needs. CPI’s Asian headquarters are located in Yangon, Myanmar, and the organization maintains field offices throughout Myanmar.

While the program will place greater emphasis on health interventions during 2021, applications are encouraged across a broad range of topics including (but not limited to):

  1. Reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH);
  2. People living with HIV (PLHIV) care and support;
  3. Community-based primary health care (CBPHC);
  4. Humanitarian assistance;
  5. Women's and youth empowerment;
  6. Microfinance and sustainable livelihoods;
  7. Social capital development.

Funding Information

  • The budget submitted to CPI should be USD 5,000 in minimum and USD 30,000 in maximum.
  • Depending on the budget availability and volume of applicants, there will be ten to fifteen sub grants awardees.

Eligibility Criteria

Organization must:

  • be local organizations that provide health services and social development in Myanmar (Presence of organizational registration is not a mandatory criterion to apply this grant)
  • has demonstrated experience in implementing projects related to public health and social development
  • has a formal organization structure with executive members which essentially support and manage the proposed project
  • be non-political and non-profit
  • has capacity to manage data for regular timely report and financial flow to avoid internal or external fraud
  • has joint bank account with the name of two or three members of organization or organization bank account

For more information, visit CPI.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 30 Nov 2020

Donor Name

Community Partners International

Grant Size

10,000 to $ 100,000



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