Call for Proposals: Strengthening National Humanitarian Mine Action Capacity in Central Regions of M

The UNOPS Peace and Security Cluster is inviting proposals for the grant project: Strengthening national humanitarian mine action capacity in the central regions of Mali.

The Grantee shall have exclusive control over the administration and implementation of this project; however, both the quality of the Grantee’s work and the progress being made toward successfully achieving the activities and outputs of the project shall be subject to review by UNOPS.

The activities requested in this CFP are divided in two Sectors within the same geographic/administrative locations in Mali (hereinafter referred to as “central regions of Mali”):

  • Development of national capacities through the implementation of Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE), Non-Technical Survey (NTS), Community Liaison (CL), Community Violence Reduction activities (CVR), Identification and Referral of Victims, and First Aid Training.
  • Development of national capacities through the implementation of Explosive Ordnance Victim Assistance Activities (VA), Emergency Risk Education and First Aid Training.

Impact: The population in Mali is safer and more secure as a result of the reduced threat posed by explosive ordnance.

Outcome: National authorities have the capacity to lead and manage the mine action response, which is implemented through civil society.

Outcome Indicator: Increase the number of national NGOs with mine action capacity who are independently deployed.

Target Beneficiaries

  • Applicable to Sector 1: The primary beneficiaries of this project shall be NNGOs that will benefit from capacity reinforcement for the implementation of humanitarian mine action activities and their management capacities to operate as a humanitarian mine action actor in Mali. In turn, the Malian NNGO(s) will deliver benefits to the communities impacted by the threat of explosive ordnance, SALW and conflict-related risks, with a focus on youth, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and refugees, as well as community leaders and adults.
  • Applicable to Sector 2: The primary beneficiaries of this project shall be National Non-Governmental Organizations(s) (NNGOs) that will benefit from capacity reinforcement for the implementation of humanitarian mine action activities. In turn the Malian NNGO(s) will deliver benefits to the communities impacted by the threat of explosive ordnance, SALW and conflict-related risks, with a focus on explosive ordnance and SALW victims in the respect of gender and diversity

Funding Information

  • The maximum budget available for the two-year project in Sector 1 is $1,000,000.
  • The maximum budget available for the two-year project in Sector 2 is also $1,000,000.


The projects shall be implemented in all the ‘cercles’ of Mopti and two ‘cercles’ of Segou (Niono and Macina). Therefore, areas of deployment in terms of cercles, communes and villages will be determined in agreement with UNMAS Mali, on a roving basis, prioritizing the most affected areas and considering security conditions.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Grant applications shall only be accepted from International not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs) that are registered to operate in Mali. No governmental agencies, departments, or ministries are eligible.
  • Lead INGO: Must demonstrate 5 years of experience related to the capacity-building of national institutions, organisations or authorities involved directly in humanitarian mine action context, using an inclusive approach to capacity building. This experience can be drawn from global activities and does NOT have to be specific to Mali.
  • Sub-grantee / NNGO: if the NNGO has any relevant experience in capacity-building relevant to the activities specified in this CFP, detail (along with time period) of activities should be presented.

For more information, visit UNOPS.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 01 Dec 2020

Donor Name


Grant Size

1,000,000 to $



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