The San Francisco Department of Children, Youth and Their Families (DCYF) has announced a call for applications for the 2020-2021 Community Grants Program.
DCYF funds shall only be used to support program costs that are direct or indirect expenses related to the requirements provided for each community program. These fundsshall only be used to support San Francisco youth and family residents. Applicants are encouraged to submit realistic budgetsthat adequately account for true program costs and the aspects of services that are key to quality.
- Examples of eligible uses of funds include, but are not limited to:
- Staffing costs and fringes;
- Rent, lease and occupancy costs;
- Materials and supplies;
- Food costs;
- Transportation and
- Administrative costs up to 15% of the total contract amount (including administrative costs of subcontractors).
- DCYF grant funds shall not be used for:
- Services to non San Francisco residents;
- Any service that merely benefits children and youth incidentally;
- Acquisition of any capital item not for primary and direct use by children and youth;
- Acquisition of real property (excluding leases for a term of 12 months or less);
- Maintenance, utilities or similar operating costs of a facility not used primarily and directly by the funded program;
- Out-of-country travel;
- Depreciation on buildings or equipment and
- Religious worship, instruction or proselytization.
Eligibility Criteria
All applicants must meet all of the following eligibility requirements to be considered for DCYF funding.
- Applicants must be a community-based agency that is non-profit and tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or apply under a valid fiscalsponsor.
- Program may only serve residents of San Francisco.
- All services must take place in the district specified in the addback description. Citywide grants may take place in any district.
- Organizations receiving a grant from this RFP must be approved City suppliers by the release of award decisions(tentatively scheduled for January 22, 2021) to receive funding under this RFP. DCYF reserves the right to revoke a grant award if an organization is unable to meet this deadline.
- Applicants must agree to meet Compliance Standards established by the City and DCYF throughout the grant term and participate in evaluation activities.
- Organizations must be compliant with the City’s insurance requirements by the completion of contract negotiations.
For more information, visit DCYF.