ECPM launches Small Grants Programme in Indonesia and Malaysia

ECPM, along with its partners ADPAN and KontraS, is launching its small grants programme for 2021 in Indonesia and Malaysia.

The General objective of these calls is providing support to civil society organizations working on human rights outside the capitals, to promote and raise awareness about abolition of the death penalty in their country, with the aim of strengthening national movements against the death penalty.

Funding Information

Amount: 87 095 000 IDR maximum (Indonesia)

Amount:  24 319 MYR maximum (Malaysia)

Type of activities

  • any activity to raise awareness and promote abolition of the death penalty with one or more of the target audiences;
  • training workshops based on the project publications (e.g. fact-finding missions as regards conditions of detention); capacity development and awareness for members of parliament, judicial and/or administrative authorities on the conditions of trials and detention for death row prisoners;
  • conferences, workshops, training to target the public about the reality of the death penalty in their country, notably as regards conditions of detention;
  • film festivals, screenings, live shows, production and distribution of audio-visual tools designed for universities and/or civil society;
  • campaign of support and advocacy in support of death row prisoners to strengthen the right to a fair trial and/or improve conditions of detention, including urgent action, providing legal advice, medical and/or psychological assistance

Expected results

  • Raise awareness of local civil society for mobilization within the national movement in support of abolition;
  • increased capacity of elected members of parliament so that they get involved in the planned abolitionist reforms;
  • improved conditions of detention on death row, notably through capacity building of judicial and administrative authorities
  • Greater circulation of information concerning conditions of detention and trials.

Target groups

  • Prison administration ;
  • NGOs and others civil society actors ;
  • Judicial authorities ;
  • Parliamentarians ;
  • Universities ;
  • Regional and national media.

Eligibility Criteria

  • civil society organizations or a group of civil society organizations, either formal or informal (a registered organization or an entity with no legal character);
  • non-profit;
  • based outside capitals and/or evidence of significant activity outside the capital;
  • With a mandate to protect and promote human rights.

For more information, visit ECPM.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 22 Nov 2020

Donor Name

Together Against the Death Penalty (ECPM)

Grant Size

1000 to $ 10,000



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