USAID-Manila: Natural Resource Security and Governance

The United States Agency for International Development mission in the Philippines (USAID or USAID/Philippines) is pleased to announce the Natural Resource Security and Governance Annual Program Statement (APS).

Through this APS, USAID is soliciting concept notes that propose effective and innovative approaches and interventions that contribute to achieving the mission’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS), and explicitly, the development objective of “Environmental and Community Resilience Enhanced”.


The primary objectives of the Natural Resources Security and Governance APS are twofold:

  • it seeks to improve the way that natural resources and the areas from which these are derived are governed.
  • it seeks to address the drivers of natural resources insecurity by addressing both the supply of and demand for natural resources through the reduction of environmental crimes and unsustainable environmental practices and the sustainable management of the natural resources sector.

Guiding Principles

Applicants are requested to incorporate these guiding principles in their applications:

  • Private sector engagement
  • Gender
  • Innovation, adaptation and evidence-based implementation
  • Capacity-building
  • Partnering with local organizations and non-traditional partners
  • Sustainability and self-reliance
  • Resilience and conflict-sensitive assistance

Theory of Change

The Natural Resources Security and Governance APS proposes the following theory of change:

  • IF the governance of natural resources and the areas from which these resources are derived is strengthened,
  • IF the demand for illegally- or unsustainably-sourced natural resources declines through more effective environmental law enforcement and behavior change,
  • IF the sustainable supply of ecosystem services and natural resources is improved through better management and valuation, increased private sector investments, and stronger habitat protection, and
  • IF diverse stakeholders at various levels are supportive and empowered to deliver sustainable natural resource management,
  • THEN the natural resources sector can contribute to the country’s economic development and environmental resilience,
  • THEREBY helping people and ecosystems thrive.

Funding Information

  • Estimated Total Program Funding: $38,000,000
  • Award Ceiling: $23,000,000
  • Award Floor: $2,000,000

Eligibility Criteria

  • This APS is open to all eligible U.S. and non-U.S. nongovernmental organizations that fall within the authorized geographic code (937).
  • Organizations may include, but not limited to, foundations, academic organizations, for-profit private enterprises, and consortia.
  • Individuals as well as Public International Organizations (PIOs) are not eligible to participate in this APS or in any of the Addendums.

How to Apply

Submissions must be in electronic format. Applicants authorized representatives are to print and sign their names on the cover pages of their submissions, as well as in required certifications. For a submission to be considered timely, the electronic transmission must be submitted by email at the address given on the website.

For more information, visit


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 02 Feb 2021

Donor Name


Grant Size

N/A to $ N/A



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