Information, Linkages, and Capacity Building Economic and Community Participation Program – Economic

The Australian Government is inviting organizations via an open competitive grant process to apply to deliver services under the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building Program’s Economic Participation (EP) grant opportunity 2020-21.

The aim of the EP grant opportunity is to improve the economic participation of people with disability, particularly in light of the impact of COVID-19.

The objective of the Economic and Community Participation Program is to build the capacity of the community for people with disability to participate in, and contribute to, community life across Australia.


Priority cohorts for this grant opportunity are:

  • rural and remote based people with disability
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability
  • young people with disability
  • People with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.

Expected Outcomes

The expected outcomes for the EP grant opportunity are:

  • People with disability will have improved job readiness, employment related skills and knowledge (whether industry specific or generalist).
  • People with disability and other stakeholders will have increased access to employer groups and employment support networks.
  • Increased willingness and capability of employers and organizations to employ people with disability.

Funding Information

This grant opportunity has a total of $39.9 million (GST exclusive) available for up to one year of funding from 10 June 2021 to 9 June 2022.

  • The minimum grant amount is $250,000 (GST exclusive).
  • The maximum grant amount is $1.2 million (GST exclusive).

Eligible Activities

Eligible activities may include but are not limited to:

  • Support for improved job readiness, employment related skills and knowledge (whether industry specific or general) of people with disability, particularly where new employment opportunities have arisen due to the way services are delivered because of COVID-19.
  • Increasing the access of people with disability and other stakeholders to employer groups and employment support networks.
  • Increasing the willingness and capability of employers and organizations to employ people with disability

Who is eligible to apply for a grant?

To be eligible to receive a grant, you must be one of the following legal entity types:

  • Company
  • Cooperative
  • Corporate State or Territory Entity
  • Incorporated Association
  • Indigenous Corporation
  • Local Government.

For more information, visit Australian Government.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 08 Dec 2020

Donor Name

Australian Government

Grant Size

1,000,000 to $



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Focus Country(ies)

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