Basildon Council: Grants from the Mental Health Fund – United Kingdom

The Basildon Council is seeking applications for its One-off grants to support existing voluntary and community sector mental health providers operating within the borough

Funding Information

The maximum amount you can apply for is £5,000.

What do they fund?

All applications are required to show how the project contributes towards one or more of the following priorities:

  • Tackling health inequalities in the community by engaging hard to reach/vulnerable / socially isolated/ at risk groups
  • Helping people to recover from long term illness
  • Raising awareness of and increasing access to mental health services in their community
  • Increasing young people’s access to information about mental illness and where to go for support
  • Increasing employment and other opportunities for those living with long term mental illness
  • Supporting people with mental illness to re-engage with their community and everyday activities
  • People feel positively supported within their community
  • Reducing stigma and discrimination around mental health illness
  • Improving and developing initiatives that respond to the rising prevalence of dementia
  • Reducing social isolation and loneliness
  • Projects that build resilience in mental wellbeing.
  • Projects that support mental illness that has arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, including, but not limited to, trauma support, creating coping strategies, reducing and managing anxieties, bereavement support.

Who can apply?

You can apply to this fund if you are:

  • A formally constituted, not for profit community or voluntary group or registered charity.
  • A Social Enterprise or Community Interest a company or group whose aim is to make a Company. You will need to demonstrate the profit, including private businesses and sole voluntary status of your organization – these traders. Will be in your articles of association or constitution etc.
  • A community/voluntary group based in the Basildon Borough, which provides a direct benefit to the local community.
  • You can be one of the above, based outside a politically affiliated group. Or an organization the Borough providing your project/activity is proposing a project that includes party political delivered within Basildon and is for the sole activities or activities which are a statutory benefit of our residents.
  • Schools who have Academy status
  • Parent Teacher Associations (PTA’s) and “Friends Of” groups, as long as they can demonstrate voluntary status.
  • They welcome applications from religious or faith organizations, but will not fund religious or faith-based activity.

For more information, visit Basildon Council.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 27 Nov 2020

Donor Name

Basildon Council

Grant Size

1000 to $ 10,000



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