The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) respectfully invites the interested organisations to submit an application for the call for proposals: Demand Driven Facility - Support to innovative approaches and best practices on mobility and border management.
The Demand Driven Facility (DDF) Call for Proposals falls under the second component of the Strengthening Border Security in Ghana project (SBS Ghana).
The DDF Call is centred on civil society, research institutions, think tanks, traders' organisations and organisations representing media / media networks, with the goal to promote innovative approaches (operational and research projects) to border management and mobility issues.
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to reducing irregular migration, by strengthening the capacities of national agencies, academic institutions and CSOs working in the area of migration. The specific objective is to contribute to the development of the long-term capability border control authorities in Ghana; to update border management information and communication systems; and to ensure greater security for citizens and visitors, while guaranteeing the respect for the rule of law and human rights standards.
- Increase knowledge and data management.
- Establish or enhance cooperation mechanisms between relevant stakeholders.
- Create awareness and support coordination for accountability and better public service delivery.
- Develop innovative practices to improve cooperation and mitigate or tackle issues at the border.
Scope of DDF
Thematic domains:
- Trafficking in human beings.
- Smuggling of migrants.
- Human rights and gender.
- Free movement of persons and trade facilitation (factors boosting or hindering movement of people and goods, including corruption and harassment).
- Health emergencies’ response.
- Migration crisis.
- Dialogue and active collaboration between communities (civil society and traditional authorities) and institutions (border management agencies and local authorities) on the above topics.
- Dialogue and active collaboration between civil society, media and institutions for accountability and better service delivery, on the above topics.
Types of actions
- Operational projects (ex. information campaigns; capacity building; establishment of dialogue platforms; establishment of collaboration frameworks, etc.).
- Research projects (including studies, reports, statistics, documentaries).
- A combination of operational and research projects.
- Establishment of dialogue/collaboration frameworks with local authorities and border management agencies is recommended.
Funding Information
- The overall indicative amount made available in this programme is EUR 700,000.00. The contracting authority reserves the right not to award all available funds.
- Size of grants:
- Maximum EUR 30,000.00 for research projects.
- Maximum: EUR 100,000.00 for operational (or combined research/operational) projects.
- Duration of projects:
- Maximum 18 months for research projects.
- Maximum 24 months for operational (or combined research/operational) projects.
Eligibility Criteria
- In order to be eligible, the Lead Applicants must be legally registered in Ghana and be one of the following type of organisations:
- Civil society Organisation (not for profit)
- Non-Governmental Organisation
- University or Research institution
- Think Tank
- Organisations representing media, media networks (ex. community radios)
- Traders organisation
- Consortia of different types of organisations are recommended. Consortia of maximum three (3) organisations are eligible.
- Collaboration with local authorities (or local government organisations) in the Action is recommended, but no grant will be given to local authorities.
- Collaboration with border management agencies in the Action is recommended, but no grant will be given to those agencies.
- Co-applicants must satisfy the eligibility criteria as applicable to the lead applicant himself. The following are however also eligible:
- Co-applicants legally registered in countries other than Ghana.
- The applicants must:
- Have financial and operational capacity to undertake the proposed Action.
- Have necessary professional competences and qualifications to complete proposed Action.
- As a general principle, but in observance of the principle of proportionality, ICMPD shall exclude from participation applicants which were found in situations of:
- bankruptcy, insolvency or winding-up procedures;
- breach of obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions;
- grave professional misconduct, including mis-representation;
- fraud;
- corruption;
- conduct related to a criminal organisation;
- money laundering or terrorist financing;
- terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities;
- Child labour and other trafficking in human beings.
- In this respect, lead applicants, co-applicants and affiliated entities are obliged to declare that they are not in one of the exclusion situations through a signed declaration on honour. For grants of EUR 60,000.00 or less, no declaration on honour is required.
For more information, visit Demand Driven Facility.