State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic announces Call for Proposals "Rondane"

The State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic is seeking proposals for its Rondane programme which comprise the implementation of the measures aimed at the protection and conservation of endangered natural habitats and/or the implementation of measures for the protection of red listed plant and animal species through the protection of their natural habitats that must be implemented outside special protection areas.

The contribution of the projects of this call is to increase the resilience of endangered natural habitats by reducing or eliminating the factors causing their endangerment and/or contribution of the protection of endangered species of plants and animals listed in the red lists in the localities of their natural habitats.

Funding Information

Maximum grant rate may be up to 90% of eligible expenditure of the project, whereas the amount of grant assistance applied for shall not be less than 130,000 CZK (€ 5,000 ) and not more than 5,200,000 CZK (€ 200,000) according to the course settled for this call.

Program Indicators

  • Number of environmentally friendly measures to increase biodiversity in ecosystems in sites outside the protected areas implemented
  • Number of measures for selected species implemented
  • Number of targeted habitats with improved ecological status
  • Number of selected species whose conditions have been improved
  • Number of people benefitting from the

Eligibility Criteria

  • Any entity, public or private, commercial or non-commercial and non-governmental organisations, established as a legal person on the territory of the Czech Republic are considered eligible project promoters under the Call “Rondane” from the Programme.
  • This project promoter which shall not be in bankruptcy, liquidation, has no overdue liabilities to state and public budgets, tax arrears and has not been issued a recovery order after a previous decision of the European Commission.
  • This also applies to their project partners, which shall be entities established as a legal person either in Norway, the Czech Republic or another beneficiary state or any international organisation or body or agency thereof, actively involved in and effectively contributing to, the implementation of a project. Partnership with foreign entities (mainly from Norway) is not obligatory for the implementation of the project, but with regard to the possibility of sharing experience and good practice, such partnerships are welcome.

For more information, visit Call for Proposals.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 30 Nov 2020

Donor Name

State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic

Grant Size

100,000 to $ 500,000



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