The Wiltshire Community Foundation is seeking applications for its Haydon Wick Grants Programme which is open to registered or non-registered charities and community groups based in, or whose work substantially benefits, the people of Haydon Wick and/or its immediate areas.
The Foundation particularly awards grants to projects taking place in communities with limited financial capacity and benefitting people who cannot afford to cover the costs themselves.
Funding Information
Grants up to £3,000 are available.
Eligibility Criteria
- The foundation fund local and regional organisations where the majority of people benefiting from the grant live in Swindon or Wiltshire. Branches of national organisations can apply if applicants have:
- a local management committee based in Swindon and Wiltshire
- applicants own constitution
- a bank account applicant control
- The following can apply:
- a constituted voluntary or community organisation
- a registered charity
- a not-for-profit company or Community Interest Company where a majority of the directors receive no payment from the company
- The applicants’ organisation must have:
- an active management committee of at least 3 people who are not related to each other, living at the same address or in a long-term relationship.
- a bank account with two signatories who are unrelated to each other
- The organisation must have less than 12 months running costs in unrestricted reserves. This means:
- In the accounts at the end of applicants last financial year, the amount shown as unrestricted reserves (not including any designated funds) must be less than the expenditure during that year.
- The documents applicants need are:
- a constitution
- an Equal Opportunities Statement
- a Child Protection Policy or Vulnerable People Policy (over 18 years) and procedures if working with children or vulnerable adults
- a copy of a recent bank statement
For more information, visit Haydon Wick Grants.