Cambridgeshire Community Foundation: Healthy Fenland Project (United Kingdom)

The Healthy Fenland Project is part of the Engaging and Strengthening Communities in Fenland Programme, funded by Cambridge shire County Council. As part of the project there is a team based in Fenland who are working with communities to help them make the changes that they want to improve their health and wellbeing.

Support is offered to both existing organizations, wanting to do something new, and to members of the public who want to get involved and have no previous experience. The help is based around the "Five Ways to Wellbeing”.

Applications to The Healthy Fenland Fund for funding for charitable projects are invited from existing and newly forming groups that are/will is constituted, and based in Fenland. Groups must be local as the aim is to build local capacity.

Charitable projects will be supported if they seek to improve the health and well being of people living in Fenland. Projects will need to report the impact of their project by measuring one or more of the following:

  • Number of activities promoting healthy lifestyles
  • Number of people participating in activities promoting physical /mental health.
  • Number of people reporting improved physical / mental / emotional health.
  • Number of people who gain new skills as part of the project
  • Number of new volunteer opportunities as a result of the project
  • Number of people who participated in community activities as a result of the project
  • Number of people accessing support services as a result of the project

Funding Information

Grants will be offered normally in the range of £500 to £5,000.

Eligibility Criteria

  • If the applicant is an unincorporated voluntary body or not-for-profit Limited Company with an annual income over £5,000, it will need to be one of the recognised not-for-profit structures we support listed below, before applying for a grant:
    • Registered Charity
    • Exempt Charity
    • Excepted Charity
    • Parish Council
    • Community Interest Company (CIC)
    • Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)
    • Community Amateur Sports Club
    • If the group is a registered charity its submissions to the Charity Commission must be up-to-date.
  • Grants will not be made retrospectively so no commitment for expenditure should be made before the date of the grant offer letter. Funding will not be provided to support projects promoting political or religious views, for sponsored events or to cover expenditure considered to be a statutory responsibility.

For more information, visit Cambridge Shire Community Foundation.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 01 Jan 2050

Donor Name

Cambridgeshire Community Foundation

Grant Size

1000 to $ 10,000



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