The Transaction Grant Program will assist organizations in leveraging conservation projects by providing support to fund qualifying transaction costs associated with land and easement donations. Each property funded with these grants must be permanently protected through a Conservation Easement or Notice of Acceptance of Property for Conservation Purposes.
Funding direct program costs for land transactions is one of the greatest challenges facing conservation organizations today, in spite of the very high leverage effect it has on a land or easement donation from private donors. Landowners who are willing to donate conservation land worth hundreds of thousands of dollars are often unable to fund the cash transaction costs as well. Triangle Community Foundation will leverage donated land transactions by funding the transaction costs and stewardship endowments associated with land donations.
The Foundation will consider funding requests for the following:
Funding Information
Grant values will vary by project and will not exceed $25,000.
Eligibility Criteria
Applications are available to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies based in Chatham, Durham, Orange, and Wake counties. Religious congregations and organizations operating under fiscal sponsorship of a tax-exempt nonprofit are eligible to apply when collaborating with a 501(c)(3) that meets all other criteria. Organizations must meet the Foundation’s non-discrimination policy, and must have been incorporated at least three years prior to the application deadline. Only one application per organization per fiscal year (July – June) will be considered.
For more information, visit Triangle Community Foundation.
Post Date - 07 Nov 2020
Deadline Date - 30 Jun 2021
Triangle Community Foundation
10,000 to $ 100,000
TC App for Grants & Funds
TC OCAT for Capacity Assessment