Grant Competition "European Union for Sustainability of Civil Society in Ukraine"

The European Union in partnership with ISAR Unity, which implements the project "European Union for the Sustainability of Civil Society in Ukraine" (EU4Civil Society Sustainability in Ukraine) within the program "Strategic Partnerships for the Development of Civil Society Organizations in the Eastern Partnership" has announced a competition for grants who want to attract local resources in the face of challenges and adverse circumstances.

The overall goal of the project is to strengthen the resilience of CSOs to challenges and emergencies, overcoming possible negative impacts and ensuring continuous implementationown missions.

The general objectives that the European Commission shares with the Initiative Assistance Center activities and development of the public initiative "Unity" (ISAR Unity) and which are the basis to start a partnership, there are:

  • Strengthening the role of civil society organizations (CSOs) as actors governance in Ukraine;
  • Strengthen cooperation and coordination of capacity building activities and initiatives CSOs in Ukraine;
  • Strengthening the impact of capacity building initiatives in Ukraine as a whole.

Expected Results

Among the expected results of the project:

  • strengthening the capacity of CSOs to respond to and participate in the needs of communities / citizens the process of forming local policies;
  • strengthening the capacity of CSOs to represent the needs and protect the rights of citizens create an opportunity for deeper involvement of CSOs in the process of democratization in Ukraine;
  • Strengthening the capacity of CSOs to provide services to affected communities the impact of crises and unforeseen situations, including but not limited to COVID-19;
  • Improving the socio-economic conditions of CSO beneficiaries by strengthening skills to represent the interests of communities;
  • expanding funding opportunities for CSOs to form self-charged communities by creating a more favorable environment, developing cooperation skills and activities aimed at developing trust.

Funding Information

The amount of the grant can vary from UAH 64,000 to UAH 320,000. Average expected size the grant is equal to UAH 160,000.

Eligibility Criteria

Civil society organizations that will submit project proposals for this the competition must meet the following requirements:

  • be officially registered in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Public association "( 2415-VIII of 15.05.2018) and the Law of Ukraine" On Charitable activities and charitable organizations "( 1664-VIII of 06.10.2016) with the status legal entity;
  • have the status of non-profit (only non-profit codes 0032, 0034, 0036, 0038, 0039 or 0048);
  • have a project team with qualifications and experience that demonstrates capability teams to perform the activities proposed in the project application to achieve these goals;

Applications from organizations that do not meet certain requirements will not be considered.

For more information, visit EU.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 01 Jan 2050

Donor Name

European Union (EU)

Grant Size

1000 to $ 10,000



Referene URL
Focus Areas of Interest

Civil Society (CSO)

Focus Country(ies)

All Countries

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