The REALTORS® Community Foundation is seeking applications for its grants program to help fund and support local charities that address homelessness, shelter, hunger, crime prevention and other needs in the Greater Edmonton Area.
The Foundation will fund:
The funding focus is on registered charities in the Edmonton Area who focus on hunger, shelter and accessibility.
- Hunger - charities and programs that provide food for individuals and families that otherwise would not have access to adequate nutrition.
- Shelter - organizations that provide shelter for people who need safety from harmful situations or warm place to sleep even for a night.
- Accessibility - initiatives focused on helping individuals access services or programs to meet their basic needs and reach their full potential.
The Foundation does NOT fund:
- Partisan political purposes
- Foundations, Hospitals, Colleges or Universities
- Deficit funding
- Endowment funds
The funding allocations committee considers a variety of factors which you will have the opportunity to address in the application form. Ultimately each application is scored in five categories:
- Capacity to complete - meaning the likelihood that with the funding, the organization will be able to complete the project as presented within the timeline suggested.
- Finances - if the charity is in good financial standing, consideration of percent administrative costs, alternative funding sources, size of organization and how the requested funds feasibly will impact the charity and it's clients.
- Alignment - how strongly the application aligns with the aforementioned funding pillars.
- Project - evaluation of the desired outcomes and how strongly the project/program relates to and advances the organization's mission. Also considering the sustainability of the impacts.
- Impact - the scope and magnitude of impact made by the grant on the clients of the organization.
For more information, visit Community Foundation.