Canada: Pride and Remembrance Foundation's Grants Program

The Pride and Remembrance Foundation is seeking proposals for its grants program to provide financial support to registered charities that benefit the LGBTQ+ community.

These benefits may include individual projects, services and/or activities that provide health, educational, legal, social athletic, cultural or other charitable benefits. Since 2010, the Foundation has supported the AIDS Committee of Toronto, the Triangle Program of the Toronto District School Board, the 519 Church Street Community Centre, the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, the LGBT Youthline, HALCO, and the Windsor Pride Committee. 

The Foundation works closely with the Association in support of the pride & remembrance run. The Foundation welcomes creative applications from charitable organizations that are interested in partnering with the Foundation and Association in promoting and supporting the annual pride & remembrance run.

The Bill Graham Award was established in 2008 by the Pride and Remembrance Association to recognize service to the LGBT community through demonstrated volunteerism and/or community leadership.

Funding Information

The Award consists of a $2,500.00 donation to a Canadian registered charity chosen by the Recipient.

Eligibility Criteria

  • In order to qualify as a beneficiary, an applicant must be a registered charitable organization in good standing with the Canada Revenue Agency.
  • An applicant should provide services or conduct activities that benefit the LGBT community. These services or activities might include, among other things, services providing health, education, legal, social, athletic or cultural benefit.
  • The Foundation is interested in supporting projects that will provide demonstrable benefits to the LGBT community. These may include projects, as examples, that:
    • reduce financial barriers to individual participation in community groups, i.e., bursaries;
    • help to build sustainable organizational capacity through new projects;
    • recognize and enable community leadership, i.e., awards;
    • enhance community health and well-being, e.g., recreational activities, sports facilities, demonstration project, food and general assistance;
  • Projects that reflect the founding themes of pride and/or remembrance and/or support sports and recreation are most welcome. The Foundation also particularly welcomes projects that may, directly or indirectly, support the Pride and Remembrance Run.

For more information, visit Pride and Remembrance Foundation.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 01 Jan 2050

Donor Name

Pride and Remembrance Foundation

Grant Size

1000 to $ 10,000



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