COVID-19 Community Response Fund - United States

The Foundation for Enhancing Communities and in partnership with the United Way of the Capital Region, is seeking applications for the COVID-19 Community Response Fund which will provide emergency funds to long-standing nonprofit organizations in Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, Perry and Northern York Counties that are responding to the spread of COVID-19 and experiencing financial challenges by doing so.

Funding Information

The COVID-19 Community Response Fund will accept applications for up to $2,500 in support.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible organizations include 501c3 nonprofit organizations or other charitable organizations able to receive a tax-deductible contribution, such as schools, faith-based organizations, and other public entities.
  • This opportunity is not available to groups fiscally sponsored by a 501c3 nonprofit organization, individuals or businesses directly, labor unions, or other 501c4, 501c5, and 501c6 organizations.
  • Applicants must be long-standing nonprofit organizations in Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, Perry and Northern York Counties that are responding to the spread of COVID-19 and experiencing financial challenges by doing so.
  • A long-standing nonprofit organization is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that has served a specified community for three or more years, has three or more full-time and/or full time equivalent paid staff members, a Board of Directors, is currently registered with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Charitable Organizations, and takes part in a Financial Review or Audit each year. Please note, as of June 1, 2020 the requirement of three full time staff members has been expanded to include three Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) staff members as defined by the Small Business Administration.  Using this definition, two employees, each of whom works half the amount of a full time employee, are the equivalent of one full-time employee.
  • The following activities are not eligible for this support opportunity: advertising, capital campaigns, direct lobbying to influence legislation or funding appropriations, individuals, national and statewide umbrella organizations that cannot demonstrate a local presence, new staff positions without a substantial plan for sustainability, religious organizations for religious purposes, retroactive projects.

For more information, visit COVID-19 Community Response Fund


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 01 Jan 2050

Donor Name

Foundation for Enhancing Communities

Grant Size

1000 to $ 10,000



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