The SHIFT Prize is awarded by the Biovision Foundation in partnership with the Agropolis Foundation.
This prize aims at recognizing collaborative research for development projects and initiatives, which have made an exemplary contribution to the agroecological transformation of food systems, through their transdisciplinary research for development actions.
The SHIFT Prize awards collaborative research for development projects and initiatives, which have made an exemplary contribution to the agroecological transformation of food systems, through their transdisciplinary research for development actions.
Award Information
Eligibility Criteria
The SHIFT Prize is intended for projects and initiatives contributing to an evidence-based food system transformation anywhere in the world. Applications are welcomed from any of the following with achieved or potential impact on the resilience of food systems based on agroecological principles.
For more information, visit Agropolis Foundation.
Post Date - 09 Nov 2020
Deadline Date - 11 Jan 2021
Agropolis Foundation
10,000 to $ 100,000
TC App for Grants & Funds
TC OCAT for Capacity Assessment