Friends of Liberia (FOL) is currently inviting applications for its small grants of up to $3000 supporting programs in the areas of General Education, Health Education, and Psychosocial Support Systems for Vulnerable Groups.
Organizations registered as non-profit NGOs and operating in Liberia and involved in any of the programs listed below may apply. An organization may also apply for a project that is related to a program listed below. The Peace Corps Partnership program may also receive grants from FOL to support local projects with current Volunteers.
- General Education
- Developing literacy skills in children
- Developing or improving literacy skills in adults
- Training of teachers and school administrators
- Educating girls
- STEM education program support
- Vocational training programs (may include school-age or adult work skills, development of market analyses, start-up supplies, etc. in programs with measurable sustainability)
- Health Education
- Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) programs for schools, including structural facilities for sanitation purposes
- Training of teachers and administrators in implementing health education curriculum
- Educating communities about basic health and hygiene practices.
- Focusing on educational and support for medical staff (doctors, midwives, nurses, etc.).
- Educating patients about hygiene and health
- Psychosocial Support Systems for Vulnerable Groups (Children, Youth, Women and Other High-Risk Groups)
- Providing nurturing environments with education, shelter, food, etc. for Vulnerable Groups with measurable plans for sustainability and self- independence.
- Programs should go beyond immediate or short-term counseling. Support should be long-term and enable Vulnerable Groups to become independent and productive members of society.
Eligibility Criteria
- Only nonprofit organizations working independent of the government of Liberia are eligible to apply. If the group receives support from GOL for another program, it will be examined carefully to ensure there is no appearance of or conflict of interests.
- The organization must be officially registered by the Liberian government as a not-for-profit organization or be partnered with such.
- Preference will be given to organizations based in Liberia.
- FOL will not award a grant that is the exclusive source of support for the program or project proposed.
Criteria for Award
Some of the following factors will be taken into consideration in the application review process:
- The Organization
- Has diverse Liberian membership
- Respects talents and skills of Liberians
- Leverages funds with other funding sources/partners
- The Project
- Responds to the needs of Liberians
- Builds up the community in which the organization is working
- Builds capacity for self-reliance
- Is sustainable beyond the end of the grant
- Directly addresses one or more of the programs listed under the three broad categories above
- Does not substitute for inherently governmental function
- Has clear program evaluation procedures and a commitment to demonstrating impact
The application must include all of the following, which help address each criteria above:
- Cover Page:
- Name of organization
- Title of the project
- Names, titles, e-mail addresses and phone numbers of both the responsible officer and an alternate responsible officer of the organization
- Mailing address of the organization
- Date of the Application
- Any connection with a FOL member or a Peace Corps Volunteer who is willing to work with the organization and monitor your project
- Background Information:
- Familiarity with Liberia [mandatory if parent organization is not based in Liberia and/or run by Liberians]
- A brief statement of the history, purpose, and previous activities of your organization
- Certification that the implementing organization is currently registered as a not-for-profit organization in Liberia with the appropriate Ministry and/or the Liberian Business Registry
- Executive Summary:
- Not to exceed one page that includes, but is not limited to:
- Problem: A brief statement of the problem or need your agency organization has recognized and is prepared to address through this project. Include what others are doing to address this need in your geographic area and how these groups may be contacted.
- Solution:A short description of the project, including what will take place and how many people will benefit from the project when completed, how and where it will operate, for how long, and who will staff it.
- Funding Requirements:An explanation of the total cost required for the project, other donors, and how much are you requesting from FOL and why. What are your plans for funding the project in the future, or making repairs?
- Organization’s Expertise:A brief statement emphasizing the organization’s capacity to carry out this proposal, such as previous projects completed (including who funded these and contact information so that performance can be verified).
- Expected challenges, and how they will be mitigated
- Proposal:
- A thorough explanation of the proposed program, not to exceed five pages, including:
- Overall Goal(s).
- Specific Objectives. Describe the specific program or project objectives in measurable terms that address the documented problem
- Timetable: Provide a timeline of activities. Purchases funded by a Small Grant must begin or be made after the grant is awarded (no reimbursement for earlier expenses).
- Project Personneland Material Resources to Be Utilized
- Budget: Detailed budget, including non-FOL funds and in-kind contributions. Indicate which specific expenses in the budget would be funded by the grant from FOL. As stated in criteria, FOL cannot be the sole support.
- Project Evaluation. Provide information on how the effectiveness of the project or program will be determined or measured.
- Sustainability: Describe how the project will be sustained beyond the funding period
- References: Names, contact information and emails of persons or groups who are willing to be contacted about your ability to carry out this project, preferably who have received FOL funding in the past, FOL members, Peace Corps Volunteers, or other persons known to be of good reputation.
- Assistance with proposal. Please provide the name and contact information for anyone outside your organization who helped you write this proposal, and any fees charged.
For more information, visit FOL.