SA - EU Dialogue Facility announces 5th Call for Proposals

The SA - EU Dialogue Facility under the framework of the TDCA, the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and the Strategic Partnership between the European Union and South Africa, has announed the 5th Call for Proposals (CfP).

The overall objective of the programme to which the Dialogue Facility will contribute is to “strengthen relations between the European Union and South Africa”.

The purpose of the Facility is to “facilitate the implementation of priority aspects, notably of the Strategic Partnership Joint Action Plan, by providing support funding for existing and new areas of cooperation”.

Funding Information

  • A policy dialogue project will have access to a maximum of €75,000 funding contribution under this CfP. The contribution should include a maximum of 5% contingency allocation in the budget.
  • As decided by the PSC, the present CfP aims at attributing a maximum amount of EUR 500,000. The PSC reserves the right not to award all available funds. Similarly, the amount could be increased, upon the decision of the PSC.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible applicants include government and institutions that are not governmental, such as academia, the media, trade unions, business organizations/chambers and other non-state actors and civil society organizations, where:
    • such institutions apply in partnership with at least one South Africa government department, which signs a letter of commitment to support the request (sine qua non-condition); and
    • are not-for-profit in their status.
  • Eligible applicants are defined as those meeting the eligibility criteria above, whether from South Africa or the European Union.
  • Eligible Projects:
    • 4IR and digital economy
    • Green economy and jobs
    • Energy sector
    • Regional policy maximizing economic resources
    • COVID-19 related policy dialogues with longer implementation period of 12-18 months.

For more information, visit The SA-EU Dialogue Facility.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 10 Dec 2020

Donor Name

SA-EU Dialogue Facility

Grant Size

10,000 to $ 100,000



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