Caring for Colorado Foundation's Grant Program 2020 - United States

Applications are now open for the Caring for Colorado Foundation's grant program 2020.

Caring for Colorado works to improve the lives of children and families in Colorado through collaboration, partnership, shared knowledge and grantmaking.

They center the health and well-being of all children, youth and their families, and prioritize resources and attention to children living in families with low incomes, children and youth of color, and children and youth who experience systemic injustice.

They also center the voice and perspective of children, youth, families and caregivers and support efforts that seek, integrate, and respond to their insights and solutions. And  center organizations that are rooted in and trusted by the children, youth and communities they serve.

Focus Areas

  • Healthy Beginnings
    • They believe infants, young children and their caregivers need and deserve equitable access to supportive resources that nurture healthy development.
  • Healthy youth
    • They believe promoting youth-friendly services, centering youth voice and addressing systemic inequities are foundational to the healthy development of youth.
  • Strong & Resilient Families
    • They believe all families need support and deserve equitable access to resources that nurture development, behavioral health, stability and healthy relationships.
  • Public Policy Advocacy
    • They believe public policy advocacy and systems changes can advance justice and equity and achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

Eligibility Criteria

Caring for Colorado will consider applications from and awards to organizations who benefit Colorado and are:

  • Charitable nonprofit organizations with tax-exempt classification from the Internal Revenue Service; or
  • Tax-supported institutions including state and local governments and schools.

Please Note: New or emerging organizations are permitted to apply through a tax-exempt organization acting as fiscal agent. The most common type of fiscal agent arrangement is between a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization and a non-tax-exempt group. The fiscal agent has the ultimate authority and responsibility to see that the funds are used for the purpose intended; it cannot simply be a pass-through organization.

Caring for Colorado does not fund:

  • For-profit entities
  • Annual appeals or membership drives
  • Financial support for political candidates
  • Scholarships
  • Camps
  • Sports programs
  • Fee-based programming without a robust sliding scale
  • Pregnancy resource centers
  • Research (costs specifically associated with the research process such as design, investigation or analysis)

Review Criteria

  • After submission, you will receive an email within 24 hours confirming that your proposal was successfully submitted.
  • Proposals submitted successfully will be listed as “Under Review” in the portal.

For more information, visit Caring for Colorado Foundation.


Important Dates

Post Date - 07 Nov 2020

Deadline Date - 22 Jan 2021

Donor Name

Caring for Colorado Foundation

Grant Size

N/A to $ N/A



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